Expired consultations 2016

Document deadline Responsibility
Concerning the Amendment to the Persons and Companies Act (PGR) January 15, 2016 Ministry of Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division
Concerning the total revision of the Liechtenstein Gas Supply Act (LGVG) 29.01.2016 Ministry of the Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division
Concerning the Creation of a Human Rights Association and the Transfer of Functions of the Staff Unit for Equal Opportunities and the Migration and Passport Office to the Office of Social Services 31/01/2016 Ministry of Society
Concerning the amendment of the Municipal Act as well as other laws (Police Act, Provincial Administration Act) regulating municipal police 24.02.2016 Ministry of Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division

Concerning the enactment of a law implementing Regulation (EU) No. 1286/2014 on key information documents for packaged retail investment products and insurance investment products (PRIIP Implementation Act; PRIIP-DG) and the amendment of the Financial Market Authority Act (FMAG)

Supplement: Regulation (EU) No. 1286/2014

01/03/2016 Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance
Concerning the amendment of the Asylum Act (AsylG) as well as the Foreigners Act (Ausländergesetz; AuG) 09.03.2016 Ministry of the Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division
Concerning the reorganization of funding for out-of-home child care 12.02.2016
verl. to 
Ministry of Society
Concerning the amendment of the Water Protection Act 03/30/2016 Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment and Sports
Concerning the amendment of the Law on the Protection of the Population (Population Protection Law; BschG) 03.04.2016 Ministry of Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division
Concerning the amendment of the Penal Execution Law (StVG) 04.04.2016 Ministry of the Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division
Concerning the creation of a law on the recovery and resolution of banks and securities firms (Recovery and Resolution Act; SAG) 08.04.2016 Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance
Subject to the amendment of the Act on the Agency for International Educational Affairs (AIBAG), the Act on the Liechtenstein National Library (LLBiG), the Act on the Liechtenstein National Museum Foundation (LLMG), the Act on the Liechtenstein Music School (LMSG)as well as the Act on the "Liechtenstein Cultural Foundation" (LKStG) 20.04.2016 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Education and Culture
Concerning the Amendment of the Law on Financial Market Supervision (FMAG) 26.04.2016 Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance
Concerning the Amendment of the Tax Law 06/17/2016 Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance

Regarding the enactment of a law implementing Regulation (EC) No. 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on credit rating agencies (Credit Rating Agency Implementing Act; CRA-DA) and the amendment of the Financial Market Supervision Act; FMAG


June 17, 2016 Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance

Concerning the Amendment to the Organic Law


June 17, 2016 Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment and Sports

Concerning the amendment of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act (UVPG) and the Construction Act (BauG)

Supplement Directive
Supplement Procedural Flow

24.06.2016 Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment and Sports
Concerning the Amendment of the Trademark Protection Law as well as the Design Law 28.06.2016 Ministry of the Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division
Concerning the Multilateral Competent Authorities Agreement on the Exchange of Country-by-Country Reports (MCAA-CBC), the International Automatic Exchange of Country-by-Country Reports of Multinational Corporations Act (CBC Act), and the Amendment to the Tax Act (STEG) 02/08/2016 Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance
Concerning the amendment of the Law on Persons and Companies (amendment of PGR art. 483 - Small Cooperative Society) 12.08.2016 Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance

Attachment 1
Supplement 2

26/08/2016 Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance

Concerning the Amendment of the Communications Act and the Criminal Procedure Code


31/08/2016 Ministry of Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division
Concerning the Amendment of the Law on the Provincial Police (Introduction of Threat Management) 31/08/2016 Ministry of Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division
Concerning the Amendment of the Law on Court Fees (GGG) 31/08/2016 Ministry of the Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division
Concerning the creation of a notary law 31/08/2016 Ministry of the Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division
Concerning the Amendment to the International Sanctions Enforcement Act (ISG) 31/08/2016 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Education, and Culture

Concerning the amendment of the Public Procurement Act (ÖAWG)

Supplement 1
Supplement 2

09.09.2016 Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance
Concerning the amendment of the State Court Law in the wake of the ratification of the Optional Protocol of 19 December 2011 to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a notification procedure September 16, 2016 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Education and Culture


September 30, 2016 Ministry of Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division
Concerning the creation of a law on human genetic testing September 30, 2016 Ministry of Society

Concerning the creation of a law on medically assisted reproduction (Reproductive Medicine Act)


30.09.2016 Ministry of Society

Concerning the Amendment of the Act on Public Procurement in the Field of Sectors (ÖAWSG)

Supplement 1
Supplement 2
Supplement 3


exp. by 

Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance
Concerning the Creation of a Law on Auditors (WPG) and the Amendment of Other Laws 10/21/2016 Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance
Relevant to the enactment of a law implementing Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 on market abuse (EEA Market Abuse Regulation Implementation Act; EEA-MDG) and the amendment of other laws 21.10.2016 Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance
Ministry of the Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division