State Aid Transparency Register

With the modernization of state aid law (State Aid Modernization), the requirements for the transparency of state aid were increased in 2015. EEA member states - which include the 27 EU member states as well as the three EEA/EFTA states Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway - are required to publish individual aid exceeding the threshold of EUR 500,000 on a national website as of July 1, 2016.


Guideline for subsidizing electricity costs of energy-intensive companies 2023

Name of the aid beneficiary: -
Type of beneficiary: Energy-intensive companies
Region: Liechtenstein
Economic sector: -
Aid Instrument: Degressive subsidy of electricity costs
Objective of aid: To preserve jobs in Liechtenstein. Support is provided to energy-intensive companies which are in a situation threatening their existence due to the significant increase in energy prices
Amount of aid: a total of CHF 4 million
Date of granting: -
Name of the granting authority: Office of Economic Affairs in cooperation with Fiscal Authority

Aid scheme Media Support Act 2018-2023

Name of the aid beneficiary: -
Type of beneficiary: SME
Region: Liechtenstein
Economic sector: media company
Aid Instrument: direct and indirect media support
Objective of aid: preservation of pluralism of opinion, promotion of journalistic-editorial quality, support for the dissemination of opinion-forming media in Liechtenstein
Amount of aid: total CHF 11.04 million, annual CHF 1.84 million
Date of grant: -
Name of granting authority: Media Commission


Aid scheme Media Support Act 2018-2023

Name of the aid beneficiary: -
Type of beneficiary: SME
Region: Liechtenstein
Economic sector: media company
Aid Instrument: direct and indirect media support
Objective of aid: preservation of pluralism of opinion, promotion of journalistic-editorial quality, support for the dissemination of opinion-forming media in Liechtenstein
Amount of aid: total CHF 11.04 million, annual CHF 1.84 million
Date of grant: -
Name of granting authority: Media Commission

Individual aid under the Media Support Act aid scheme

Name of the aid recipient: Liechtensteiner Volksblatt AG
Type of beneficiary: SME
Region: Liechtenstein
Economic sector: Media company
Aid Instrument: direct and indirect media promotion
Objective of aid: preservation of pluralism of opinion, promotion of journalistic-editorial quality, support for the dissemination of opinion-forming media in Liechtenstein
Amount of aid: CHF 569,698
Date of grant: 16.08.2022
Name of granting authority: Media Commission

Individual aid under the Media Support Act aid scheme

Name of the aid recipient: Vaduzer Medienhaus AG
Type of aid recipient: SME
Region: Liechtenstein 
Economic sector: Media company
Aid Instrument: direct and indirect media promotion
Objective of aid: preservation of pluralism of opinion, promotion of journalistic-editorial quality, support for the dissemination of opinion-forming media in Liechtenstein
Amount of aid: CHF 964,059
Date of grant: 16.08.2022
Name of granting authority: Media Commission

General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER)

With the help of the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER), EEA/EFTA States Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway can implement aid measures without having to comply with the notification procedure. Instead, states can simply submit information to the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) using the AGVO information sheet template.