
What do you think of when you hear the word chemicals? Usually the term chemicals is mentally associated with potential danger but in truth we could not exist without chemicals.

The Office of the Environment can provide you with information on the safe use of chemicals.

Chemicals can be found in household products (detergents, oven cleaners, etc.), in commercial products (adhesives, paints, etc.), but also in agricultural products (pesticides, fertilizers, etc.). They can have an impact on human health and the environment. Therefore, you should use chemicals carefully. When you buy a product, pay attention to the information on the packaging.

Tips for handling chemicals at home

  • If possible, buy products that do not endanger people or the environment
  • When using hazardous chemicals, pay attention to the hazard symbols and hazard designations as well as the H-phrases (Hazard Statements) and P-phrases (Precautionary Statements) on the packaging and follow the instructions for use (protective equipment, etc.).
  • Store hazardous chemicals only in original containers (risk of confusion) and out of reach of children under lock and key.
  • Do not stockpile.
  • Dispose of hazardous chemicals that you no longer need according to regulations at the point of sale or at the biannual Separate collection of hazardous waste  in the community.

Contact persons

What to do in case of poisoning?

In case of accidents and poisoning with chemicals, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.

The Swiss Toxicological Information Center (STIT) provides free medical information around the clock.

  • In an emergency, tel. 145
  • In other cases Tel. +4144 / 251 66 66 (office hours)

Contact persons

Special hazardous chemicals are subject to additional restrictions or prohibitions related to manufacture, marketing or use, as well as specific labeling or disposal requirements, due to the risks associated with handling.

In this section, you will find additional important information on selected chemicals:

Contact persons