International Affairs Humanitarian Cooperation and Development

International Humanitarian Cooperation and Development (IHCD) is coordinated by the Office for Foreign Affairs and implemented in cooperation with the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED). It comprises four categories: Emergency and reconstruction aid, International Refugee and Migration Assistance and the bilateral and multilateral development cooperation.

The IHCD is Liechtenstein's main instrument for providing "Official Development Assistance" in accordance with OECD criteria (ODA). ODA also includes the care of refugees and asylum seekers in Liechtenstein, humanitarian contributions from municipalities and other contributions to international organizations. in 2022, Liechtenstein spent 25.6 million Swiss francs on IHCD, which was used for projects in emergency and reconstruction aid, refugee and migration aid and the bilateral and the multilateral development cooperation. In total, total ODA expenditure in 2022 amounted to CHF 31.5 million.

Objectives and core tasks

Solidarity with people who are disadvantaged in terms of their living conditions and quality of life, as well as the protection of their interests, are the starting point and goal of Liechtenstein's commitment to IHCD.

The IHCD encompasses all forms of humanitarian and development policy engagement of the State of Liechtenstein, including the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED). The basis for Liechtenstein's commitment in this area is the Act on International Humanitarian Cooperation and Development (IHZEG) from 2007.

The core tasks of the IHCD are:

  • Assistance for victims of disasters, political crises and armed conflicts
  • Fighting hunger and poverty
  • Improving the social, Economic Affairs Division, cultural and political development of disadvantaged and marginalized regions of the world
  • Commitment to peace, freedom and security for all people and the preservation of their human dignity
  • Preserving the environment and promoting the responsible and sustainable use of natural resources

Current IHCD brochures can be found here, older publications here.