Questions and answers

From the age of 17 you will receive 5 years after your last general preventive medical checkup an invitation from the Office of Public Health.

Women receive from the 17th year of life in addition to the general screening an invitation to the gynecological screening. In the distance of 2.5 years to the last investigation the invitation is sent by the office for health.

Yes. If you are insured in the compuisory health insurance (OKP), the fund pays the costs of a limited selection of approved doctors and physicians. A list can be found at

With the extended compuisory health insurance you have free choice of doctor. To be on the safe side, check with your health insurance company in advance.

With men over 50 years of age, a consultative conversation takes place on this topic.

As a result, further steps could be arranged in consultation with the patient, e.g. a referral to a specialist in urology. The consultation is free of charge. However, the subsequent examinations are subject to cost-sharing.

Early detection of colon carcinoma (colorectal cancer)

At ages between 50 to 69 years, preventive examinations for early detection of colorectal cancer are offered:

Every 10 years (i.e., a maximum of 2x), you can have a colonoscopy (colonoscopy).

Every 2 years, you can have your stool tested for occult blood (blood in the stool). If this shows a positive result, you can go for a colonoscopy.

If colorectal cancer is known to be present in close relatives, health insurance will cover colonoscopy even for younger individuals.

For all these examinations, the cost-sharing applies.

  • Total cholesterol
  • HDL cholesterol
  • Blood sugar

For women over 50, health insurance pays for a mammogram every 2.5 years. Here, too, the following applies: If breast cancer is known to occur in a close relative, the health insurance company will pay for the corresponding examinations even earlier.

The yellow examination folder is automatically sent by the Office of Public Health after the birth of the child.
If the birth notification is received late by the Office, you are also welcome to order the folder from us.

Order by email: [email protected] or with order form

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