Office for Communications

In the field of electronic communications the Office of Communications (AK) is the regulatory, supervisory and administrative authority.

As an independent regulatory authority, it promotes and monitors effective competition in the telecommunications markets. To this end, we conduct market analyses, order measures of special regulation  and monitor compliance with them. As an administrative authority, the AK manages numbering resources and radio frequencies.

As a conciliation body, the AK supports consumers and companies in settling disputes quickly and cost-effectively. In doing so, the office acts neutrally and independently.

In the field of radio frequencies, the AK is responsible for frequency planning, national and international frequency coordination and frequency allocation. The AK is represented as a member or observer in all technical working groups of the International Telecommunication Union, the Conference of European Administrations, and the European Union.

In the media sector the AK is the office of the Media Commission as well as responsible for the independent execution of the business assigned to the government according to Art. 86 para. 1 let. a to e of the Media Act.

In the area of signature and trust services the AK is the accreditation and supervisory body and administers and publishes information on certification services in Liechtenstein.

In the postal sector, the AK is the regulatory, supervisory and administrative authority.

In the area of space, the AK is the supervisory and administrative authority responsible for the implementation and supervision of the Space Act.

The AK advises the government on all issues in the above-mentioned fields. The AK also sits on international forums, committees and organizations, representing Liechtenstein's interests.

The AK is the regulatory, supervisory and administrative authority for the postal sector

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