Mpox: Registration for vaccination

The vaccine Jynneos® for protection against Mpox (monkeypox) is vaccinated in Liechtenstein.

There is currently no vaccination recommendation for the general population.

Vaccination with Jynneos® is recommended for the following groups of persons (≥18 years):

  • Preventive: men who have sex with other men and trans people with changing sexual partners.
  • Preventive: Persons who are exposed to monkeypox virus for occupational reasons (health care and laboratory workers) and are at risk of contracting Mpox, despite safety precautions.
  • After risk contact has occurred: Contact persons not previously infected with mpox after relevant risk contact with ill or probably ill persons, and health care and laboratory personnel after relevant unprotected contact. In children and adolescents under 18 years and pregnant women, a detailed benefit / risk assessment is required in individual cases.

If you belong to a risk group and you would like to be vaccinated against monkeypox, you can register via email address [email protected].

Discretion will be maintained in both the registration process and the vaccination.