Soil protection

Soil is the scarcest non-renewable resource in our country. It fulfills numerous economic and ecological functions and is therefore of fundamental importance to people: it stores and filters our drinking water, provides food, biomass, geothermal energy and mineral raw materials and is the basis of biodiversity.

Soil that is suitable for agricultural use and reserved for this purpose must be protected against misappropriation in the long term. This is intended to preserve sufficient self-sufficiency and rural structures in the overall interest.

In accordance with Art. 44 Para. 3 of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA; LBGl. 2008 No. 199), landfills for the recycling of excavated materials require a permit from the Office for the Environment. Landfills must comply with the provisions of the legislation on environmental protection, water protection and nature conservation. The processing time is at least four weeks (after completion of the intervention procedure).

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