General information about Liechtenstein


Country Liechtenstein (Principality of)
Continent Europe (Central)
Capital Vaduz
Total Area 160 sq. km, 47 10 N, 9 32 E
Time Zone GMT+1
Daylight Saving Time GMT+2 (end of March until end of October)
Population Approx. 37,500
Country Abbreviation LIE or LI
Internet Code LI
Currency Swiss Francs / CHF


Postcode Town (subscriber numbers do not indicate geographic locations)
9496 Balzers
9492 Ashes
9487 Gamprin-Bendern
9493 Mauren
9485 Nendeln
9498 Planks
9491 Ruggell
9494 Schaan
9486 Schaan forest
9488 Schellenberg
9495 Trieste
9497 Triesenberg
9490 Vaduz

