Study programme guidance

Regardless of where you are in your study choice process, we provide support and guidance for any questions and concerns that may arise before, during and after your university studies. 

Are you attending a baccalaureate school (Gymnasium) or are you doing a gap year and wondering what to do next? Have you acquired your vocational baccalaureate diploma (Berufsmatura) and would like to find out which study programme suits you best?

Are there any questions regarding your interests and abilities? Do you have questions regarding your decision whether to study at a university or at a university of applied sciences, or regarding your personal suitability for a course of study?

Or are you already studying at university and have doubts as to whether you have really chosen the right programme? Would you like to find out what to do after your studies?

In these cases, an appointment with the study programme guidance team could help. We will discuss any unanswered questions with you. You can also take a psychological test to identify your academic or professional interests and abilities in detail if you wish.

For an individual and free consultation, we ask you to make an appointment with the Office for Vocational Training and Career Counseling (+423 236 72 00).