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Study Guidance for high school graduates

You already got far independently in your career or study choice process on your own through the career and study choice preparation activities you have completed at school, as well as through conversations with confidants, information events, or trial apprenticeships.

But perhaps there are still unanswered questions, or you still feel uncertain about your interests and abilities, the decision to attend a technical college or university, or your personal suitability for a course of study?

Or you are already studying and you have doubts whether you have really chosen the right study program?

In these cases, an appointment with the vocational, academic and career counseling service could help you.

For a personal and free consultation we ask you to make an appointment at the Office for Vocational Education and Career Counseling (+423 236 72 00).

To talk with you, we will follow up on the unanswered questions. The use of psychological tests for detailed clarification of your study or professional interests and skills is possible at your request.

On the Internet you can find different career choice checks that can help you further. But beware Some "so-called" tests on the internet are intended more as a gimmick, while others are subject to a fee.