Language levels

A - Elementary use of language

Level A1

The learner can

  • understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very simple sentences
  • ask and answer questions about themselves
  • communicate in a simple way if the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.

Level A2

The learner can

  • understand and use frequently used expressions
  • understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very simple sentences
  • describe their own background and education, their immediate environment and things related to immediate needs.

B - Independent use of language

Level B1

The learner can

  • understand the main points of familiar topics such as work, school or leisure topics when clear standard language is used
  • manage most situations encountered when traveling in the language area
  • communicate simply and coherently on familiar topics and areas of personal interest.
  • report on experiences and events, describe dreams, hopes and goals and give brief reasons or explanations.

    Level B2

    The learner can

    • understand the main ideas of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics
    • understand technical discussions in their own area of specialization
    • communicate so fluently that a normal conversation with a native speaker is possible without major effort on either side.
    • express themselves clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics, explain a point of view and give the advantages and disadvantages of different options

    C - Competent use of language

    Level C1

    The learner can

    • understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts and also grasp implicit meanings
    • express themselves spontaneously and fluently without having to search for clearly recognizable words more often.
    • use language effectively and flexibly in social, professional and educational themselves in a clear, structured and detailed way on complex issues, using text linking devices appropriately.

      Level C2

      The learner can

      • understand with ease practically everything he or she reads or hears
      • summarize information from different written and oral sources, giving reasons and explanations in a coherent presentation
      • express themselves spontaneously, very fluently and precisely and make finer nuances of meaning clear even in more complex situations.

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