Childcare financing

Parents who are dependent on the care of their children by daycare centers or childminders due to their jobs can apply to the Office for Social Services for financial support for childcare costs. Graduated according to income, the following share of the care costs is to be borne by the parents themselves:

Annual income                     Own contribution per child
in CHF                                      and month in CHF

up to and including 24,000.-                   150.-
24,001.- to 26,000.-                 180.-
26,001.- to 28,000.-               210.-
per additional 2,000.-                   additional 30.-

Reductions of the personal contribution are possible in case of very tight financial circumstances.

The following documents are usually required for calculation:
- Employment contract
- Wage statement
- Rental agreement
- Insurance certificate of the health insurance
- Proof of any maintenance obligations
- Proof of rent subsidy
- Proof of child support, any pensions, other income 

Contact persons