Market analyses of mobile termination and fixed network termination

18 May 2020

The Office for Communications (AK) is conducting a new analysis of Liechtenstein's mobile and fixed termination markets. As a first step, the Office for Communications has prepared a draft for the market analyses for mobile and fixed network termination, which are now being published in order to inform market participants and give them the opportunity to comment.

Chapter 1 Management Summary gives you an overview and informs in particular about the termination prices compared to other European coutries, the determination method chosen by the Office for Communications, and the new maximum termination prices foreseen as of 1 January 2021. Market development can be found in chapter 4, termination prices can be found in chapter 10. The consultation documents contain in Annex 4 as a compendious document the Decree including the measures envisaged according to the current state of work.

The consultation documents can be accessed here:

Analysis of mobile termination markets

Analysis of fixed termination markets

Commenting statements on the specific consultation questions raised by the Office for Communications (summarised in attachment 5) or on other topics of the market analyses and proposed measures can be submitted by 26 June 2020. Please state in your comments which market analysis (mobile or fixed termination) you are referring to. Statements should be sent to the Office of Communications by e-mail to [email protected] or using the secure data submission form.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Silvio Giorgetta, [email protected], tel. +423 236 64 86.


15 June 2020

The Office for Communications held a video conference briefing on 10 June 2020 to discuss questions and inform all providers on the topics discussed:

Summary of the information session


9 September 2020

Statements and evaluation fixed termination:

Salt (Liechtenstein) AG                                 23 June 2020

Telecom Liechtenstein AG                        26 June 2020

Evaluation of fixed network termination            9 September 2020

Statements and evaluation mobile termination:

Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd                                  19 June 2020

Salt (Liechtenstein) AG                                23 June 2020

Telecom Liechtenstein AG                     26 June 2020

Evaluation mobile termination                9 September 2020
