Public consultation on the draft Decree concerning access to the HFC network of Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke

Public consultation of the draft Decree concerning access to the HFC network of Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke

The Office for Communications stated on 16 November:

On 15 October 2015, the Office for Communications (AK) ex officio initiated proceedings for access to the HFC network of Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke (LKW) and intends to issue the Decree ordering LKW to grant Hoi Internet AG access to three additional channels in the HFC network.

Referring to Art. 46 of the Law of 17 March 2006 on Electronic Communications (Communications Act), Liechtenstein Law Gazette 2006 No. 91, and Art. 24 of the Ordinance of 3 April 2007 on the Tasks and Competences of the Regulator in Electronic Communication, Liechtenstein Law Gazette 2007 No. 68, the Office for Communications, as the national regulatory body, is conducting a public consultation and offers interested parties concerned the opportunity to comment on the draft Decree.

We request you to send your statement with reference to the specific consultation (Access to the HFC network of LKW) in writing to the

Amt für Kommunikation
Gerberweg 5
Postfach 684
9490 Vaduz

or send a scanned version by e-mail to [email protected].

The 30 November 2015 has been set as the final date for statement submission.

Please note that statements submitted as part of the consultation will be published. If your statements contain company and/or business secrets, we request that you submit them in a separate document and, at the same time, submit a document that can be published on the website.

20151112 Draft Decree access to HFC network of LKW (PDF)

Update on 4 December 2015:

The following statements were submitted before the final date of the public consultation and are made available for retrieval here:

Statement of Hoi Internet AG of 23 November 2015

Statement of Telecom Liechtenstein AG of 30 November 2015
