Consultation on lifting the obligation to operate public pay telephones (Publifone)

Telecom Liechtenstein AG is the provider of universal nationwide electronic communications service in the Principality of Liechtenstein. This universal service mandate was issued by the Government in 2009 and ends on 28 February 2019.

The universal service includes, among other things, that a sufficient number of public payphones (Publifone) be provided in the municipalities.

Telecom Liechtenstein AG has submitted an application to the Office for Communications to lift the obligation to operate the above-mentioned payphones. Desired date for the decommissioning: end of April 2017.

The Office for Communications (AK), as the competent supervisory body, will review this application and submit a recommendation to the Government. For this purpose, the Office for Communications is conducting a public consultation. Pursuant to Art. 46 of the Communications Act, affected interested parties and the general public have the opportunity to submit commenting statements as part of the consultation. Should you be interested in doing so, we look forward to receiving your statement.

We request that you send your statement in writing, with reference to the specific consultation (consultation on lifting the obligation to operate public pay telephones (Publifone)), to the

Amt für Kommunikation
Äulestrasse 51
Postfach 684
9490 Vaduz

or send a scanned version by e-mail to [email protected].

The 31 January 2017 has been set as the final date for statement submission.

Please note that statements submitted as part of the consultation will be published. If your statements contain company and/or business secrets, we request that you submit them in a separate document and, at the same time, submit a document that can be published on the website.

The consultation document including further information can be found here.
