Education for sustainable development (ESD)

In the Liechtensteiner Lehrplan (LiLe), the following seven cross-curricular themes have been included under the guiding idea of sustainable development:

  • Politics, democracy and human rights,
  • Natural environment and resources,
  • Gender and equality,
  • Health,
  • Global development and peace,
  • Cultural identities and intercultural understanding,
  • Economy and consumption,

The selection is based on existing concepts such as health education, global learning, intercultural education, gender-responsive education, civic education and environmental education. What is new is the orientation of these approaches and topics to the guiding idea of sustainable development.

The various aspects of the seven cross-curricular themes have been incorporated into the subject area curricula, especially in the case of the subject area Nature, Man, Society. Building knowledge and skills in these topics extends beyond the elementary school years. The school makes a fundamental contribution here.

With the project "Pioneers for a Sustainable Liechtenstein", children and young people in an entire country are being sensitized to the topics of sustainability and climate protection for the first time and motivated to make their own contribution. The project "Energy and Climate Pioneers Liechtenstein" offers all classes from kindergarten to high school the opportunity to deal with the topics of climate and energy in a way that is suitable for the different levels and curricula.

In this project, young people are encouraged to discover their scope for action by developing and implementing projects to protect the climate and the environment in class. Teachers are offered direct support with the project to implement sub-areas of the guiding idea "Education for Sustainable Development" of the new curriculum LiLe. The project is made possible thanks to the support of many partners and on the initiative of the Liechtenstein education authority and will be implemented by the myclimate foundation in the period 2019 to 2024.

Every class can benefit from the energy and climate pioneers! And this is how it works:

myclimate comes to the school for a workshop on energy, climate or resources. During this workshop, classes receive a level-appropriate, interactive and solution-oriented introduction to the topics of climate and energy. After the impulse workshop, the class continues to work on their own sustainable project idea, implements it, and helps shape their sustainable Liechtenstein. Participation in the project is free of charge.

Participate and register

To book a free workshop, all you need to do is send an email to [email protected] with the following information:

Contact information (last name, first name, address, phone number), school, level, desired topic, and proposed date.