Market analysis of central broadband access for the mass market 

26 March 2024


With this analysis, the Office for Communications identifies effective competition in the market for internet broadband connections at end-user level, meaning that the wholesale broadband access market no longer needs to be regulated. The obligations imposed on Telecom Liechtenstein AG regarding broadband access must therefore be lifted and no new obligations should be imposed.

The consultation version of the market analysis is be published in order to inform market participants and give them the opportunity to comment.

The consultation document can be accessed directly here:

Market analysis central broadband access for the mass market (in German)

The Office will be happy to receive comments until 15 April 2024. Comments must be sent by e-mail to [email protected] or via form for the secure transmission of data to the Office for Communications.

In case of questions do not hesitate to contact Mr. Silvio Giorgetta, [email protected], tel. +423 236 64 86.

26 April 2024

Statements and evalutation

Telecom Liechtenstein AG (in German) 8 April 2024
Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke (in German) 2 April 2024
Evaluation of consultation 26 April 2024
