Information for travelers/assistance abroad

If you find yourself in an emergency abroad, please call the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs' (FDFA) 24-hour hotline +41 800 24 7 365 (Skype: helpline-eda)

The consular services of the FDFA - such as the registration of trips abroad and the 24-hour helpline +41 800 24 7 365 (Skype: helpline-eda) - are also available to Liechtenstein nationals. Consular protection begins when the person concerned has exhausted all options for self-help.

In Switzerland and Austria, the Embassies of the Principality of Liechtenstein in Berne and Vienna are responsible for the consular representation of Liechtenstein nationals. If Liechtenstein nationals find themselves in an emergency situation in another country, they can contact the Swiss embassies and consulates on site or the FDFA hotline.

Up-to-date travel advice for various destinations can be found on the homepage of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). Travelers are also encouraged to register on the Travel Admin app (iPhone/Android).