
You will find general and specific information on data protection at the public schools and the school board in the Principality of Liechtenstein here.

Here you can download the general privacy policy of the Liechtenstein schools and the fact sheet on data protection at the schools. For specific data protection information about the public schools' web presence, please contact your responsible school.

The policy on the use of school IT is available at Themes and Projects > School ICT.

If you have any questions about this information or in general about data protection in the school administration of the Principality of Liechtenstein or about your rights as a data subject or your child, please contact the person listed below (Data Protection Coordination School Office/Data Protection Officer Public Schools Liechtenstein) or at [email protected]

Helpful information on data protection is available on the website of the Data Protection Office and the Data Protection Office (Data Protection Officer of the Liechtenstein National Administration).

The Education Authority and the Liechtenstein National Library, as joint responsible parties, have concluded an agreement specifying which of them fulfills which obligation in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The essence of this agreement can be found below via this privacy statement:
