Market analysis fixed network origination

31 May 2021

Based on the present market analysis, the Office for Communications finds that there is effective competition in the communications market at the retail level, so that the fixed network origination market no longer requires ex ante regulation. Thus, the obligations imposed on Telecom Liechtenstein AG regarding access to fixed network origination will be lifted and no new obligations will be imposed.

The consultation on the market analysis will be published in order to inform market participants and give them the opportunity to comment.

The consultation document can be accessed here:

Fixed originating market analysis

Commenting statements can be submitted by 15 June 2021. Statements can be emailed to [email protected] or sent to the Office for Communications using the secure data submission form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Silvio Giorgetta, [email protected], tel. +423 236 64 86.


21 June 2021

Statements and evaluation fixed network origination:

Telecom Liechtenstein AG                         15 June 2021

Evaluation fixed network origination           21 June 2021
