Wholesale offer "Access to the public telephone network via VoIP" of Telecom Liechtenstein AG

Public consultation on the wholesale offer "Access to the public telephone network via VoIP" of Telecom Liechtenstein AG

The wholesale offer "Access to the public telephone network via VoIP" of Telecom Liechtenstein AG (TLI) falls under the regulated market "Access to the public telephone network at a fixed location (M1)" and has to be approved by the Office for Communications (AK) due to the corresponding obligations.

On 1 December 2017, TLI for the first time submitted the supplementary provisions on VoIP trunk and the included service level agreement (SLA) to the Office for Communications as part of the review of the wholesale offer "reference offer on access to the public telephone network via VoIP", which had already been ongoing in an iterative process. Since the first consultation on the wholesale offer, the entire framework agreement and other components of the reference offer were revised, in some cases substantially.

While a consultation was already held on VoIP line access for single lines, the VoIP trunk wholesale offer is not known in the market. This requires the Office for Communications to request feedback from interested providers, in particular by means of consultation, in order to be able to approve the wholesale offer. The consultation is primarily required for contents related to VoIP trunk and SLA, which are primarily found in the contract components on product description, pricing and operations ("2_FL VoIP Produktbeschreibung", "4_FL VoIP Preise", "5_FL VoIP Operativer Betrieb").

Please note that the trunk/SLA-specific contents have neither been revised nor otherwise commented on by the Office for Communications and the price list has not been prepared based on charge calculations by the Office for Communications using the TLI cost calculation model; the calculation is currently being made by the Office for Communications.

In addition to the trunk/SLA-specific documents, for the sake of completeness, the Office for Communications also publishes the framework agreement and other contract components in the currently available draft version, which largely correspond to the final version agreed between the Office for Communications and TLI.

Pursuant to Art. 46 of the Communications Act, affected interested parties have the opportunity to submit comments during the consultation. Should you be interested in doing so, we look forward to receiving your statement.

Statements should be sent with reference to the specific consultation (access to the public telephone network via VoIP), preferably by e-mail in scanned form to [email protected] or in writing to the

Amt für Kommunikation
Äulestrasse 51
Postfach 684
9490 Vaduz

The final date for statement receipt is set for 19 January 2018.

Please note that statements submitted as part of the consultation will be published. If your statements contain company and/or business secrets, we request that you submit them in a separate document and, at the same time, submit a document that can be published on the website.

2_FL VoIP product description

4_FL VoIP prices 

5_FL VoIP operations 

1_FL VoIP framework agreement

3_FL VoIP line supplementary services

6_FL VoIP line order

6_FL VoIP trunk order

7_FL VoIP authorisation number pass-through

8_FL VoIP points of contact


li-life web+it est.

Supranet AG

TON Total Optical Networks AG
