e-VAT - electronic submission of VAT statements

The Fiscal Authority provides the electronic platform e-MWST (https://mwst.llv.li), thus enabling companies registered in the Value Added Tax Register to submit their ordinary Value Added Tax Division statements electronically. Submission by mail is thus no longer necessary.

In addition, taxable persons benefit from the fact that they receive a summary of the VAT statements submitted electronically to date on the e-MWST portal and can view the details of these at any time. For the Fiscal Authority, e-MWST offers the advantage that manual entries are no longer necessary.

The use of e-MWST is free of charge. The activation of e-MWST is carried out by the Fiscal Authority upon prior registration of the company and simultaneous designation of one or more power of attorney holders who will be authorized to submit VAT statements electronically. Each authorized representative must also have eID or lilog (www.eid.liwww.lilog.llv.li) in order to be able to log on to the e-MWST portal using electronic identification.

For more information and the terms of use for e-MWST, please visit the Fiscal Authority's homepage at (https://mwst.llv.li).