Reporting Incidents & FSCAs (Vigilance)

Serious Incidents

‘Serious incident’ means any incident that directly or indirectly led, might have led or might lead to any of the following:

  • The death of a patient, user or other person,
  • the temporary or permanent serious deterioration of a patient's, user's or other person's state of health,
  • a serious public health threat.

Field Safety Corrective Action (FSCA)

‘Field safety corrective action’ means corrective action taken by a manufacturer for technical or medical reasons to prevent or reduce the risk of a serious incident in relation to a device made available on the market.

Any professional who becomes aware of a serious incident when using medical devices and IVDs must report this to the supplier and the responsible authority.

EEA Law: 

The responsible authority for devices placed on the market under EEA law is the Office of Public Health. The following notification form should be used for notification.

Notification Form Incident User (EEA)

Customs Convetion Law:

The responsible authority for devices placed on the market under customs convention law is Swissmedic. For more information and the appropriate notification form, visit the website of Swissmedic.

Hospitals (*) must set up an internal reporting system within the framework of an established quality management system for the purpose of reporting serious incidents (see users). Records and all documents created under the vigilance quality management system must be retained for at least 15 years.

Furthermore, hospitals must designate a suitable competent person (vigilance contact person) with a medical or technical qualification to assume responsibility for reporting serious incidents. They must supply this person’s contact details to the responsible authority.

 (*) Hospital means any healthcare institution in which inpatient treatments for illnesses, inpatient medical rehabilitation and inpatient medical measures for cosmetic purposes are provided by medical or nursing interventions.

EEA Law: 

The responsible authority for devices placed on the market under EEA law is the Office of Public Health. The following notification forms should be used for notification.

Notification Form Incident User (EEA)

Notification Form Vigilance Contact Person (EEA)

Customs Convetion Law:

The responsible authority for devices placed on the market under customs convention law is Swissmedic. For more information and the appropriate notification forms, visit the website of Swissmedic.

Due to the parallel marketability (see market-access), either the provisions under EEA law or customs convention law apply with regard to vigilance. Depending on the law under which the device was placed on the market, either EEA law or customs convention law applies accordingly.

EEA Law:

According to Art. 87 and 88 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices (MDR) and Art. 82 and 83 of Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDR), manufacturers are responsible for reporting serious incidents, field safety corrective actions (FSCA), and trend reports.

For devices placed on the market under EEA law, report must be made to the Office of Public Health. Until EUDAMED is functional, information is exchanged via email to [email protected]. The European-accorded reporting forms are to be used for reporting.

Customs Convention Law:

According to Art. 66 MedDO and Art. 59 IvDO, manufacturers and persons who assemble systems or procedure packs, or their authorized representatives if applicable, are responsible for reporting serious incidents, field safety corrective actions (FSCA), and trend reports.

For devices placed on the market under customs convention law, report must be made to Swissmedic.

Further information on the reporting modalities can be found on the website of Swissmedic.
