
area of activity

Excluding curative treatments, the scope of activities includes:

  • the independent preparation of medicines according to a doctor's prescription or own formula;
  • the dispensing and storage of medicinal products;
  • the pharmaceutical advice

The practice pharmacy of a doctor or a dentist in context of their medical or dental activity requires a permit from the Medicinal Products Control Agency.

The direct use of medicines on patients during consultations or in emergencies is not subject to a special licensing requirement.

Professional qualification/further training

Professional qualification is possessed by anyone who can prove, by means of a diploma or other proof of qualification, the successful completion of pharmaceutical studies at a university or college in Switzerland or in an EWRA member state.

The further training for an offizinapotheker lasts at least two years, at least one year of which must be completed in a public pharmacy through full-time employment.

Further training for a hospital pharmacist lasts at least two years, with at least one year in a hospital pharmacy under the direction of a hospital pharmacist working independently, full-time.

Special features

Minimum sum of the professional indemnity insurance: 3 million Swiss francs.

A pharmacist may not holdmore than one pharmacy.

A pharmacy may be managed and designated as a pharmacy and drugstore without additional authorization.

Permit procedures and requirements

According to Art. 7 of the Health Act and Art. 4 to 10 and Art. 18 to 25 of the Health Ordinance.

Contact persons