08/01/2018: Provisional frequency allocation

On 8 January 2018, the Office for Communications issued a provisional allocation Decree (from 8 January 2018) to Trion Space AG authorising it to carry out at its own expense international coordination pursuant to Art. 88 of the Ordinance on Means of Identification and Frequencies in Electronic Communications as as the delegated operator of the Office for Communications for all applications and coordination requests for satellite frequency allocations submitted by the Office for Communications to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in 2014 under the designation 3ECOM-1, 3ECOM-2 and 3ECOM-3. In doing so, Trion must ensure that all requirements, conditions and ancillary provisions are fulfilled and complied with.

20180108 Trion AG provisional frequency allocation Decree (in German)
