Call origination in fixed networks (ESA2008 - M2) 2010-2021

M2 Call origination in public telephone networks
at fixed
Consultation start 27 April 2009   
Consultation end 30 June 2009


Market analyses (final version)  
Analysis of the market for call origination on fixed networks  25/03/2010


Market analysis vers. 1 (in German) 27/04/2009


Statements (in German)  
Telecom Liechtenstein 30/06/2009
Mobilkom LIE 30/06/2009
LKW 29/06/2009
Orange 19/06/2009
Swisscom 16/06/2009
MTtel 12/05/2009
ICT Center 07/05/2009


Notification to ESA  
Cover letter 25/03/2010
Summary 25/03/2010
Evaluation of statements (in German) 25/03/2010


ESA Comments on notification 22/04/2010
Decree fixed network origination market (in German) 24/08/2010
Annex 2 evaluation statements (in German) 24/08/2010

