Narcotic-based treatment

On November 1, 2019, the amended provisions of the Narcotics Ordinance concerning narcotic-based treatment entered into force. In Liechtenstein, there is a consent requirement by the Office of Public Health individually for each patient. For this purpose, the supervising physician submits an application for approval as well as the agreement on substitution treatment between the supervising physician and the patient to the Office of Public Health.

The Guidelines for Narcotic-Assisted Treatment set the principles and framework conditions for substitution treatment. In this context, the therapeutic responsibility lies with the treating physician. The Office of Health is responsible for compliance with the legal framework 

According to the Narcotics Ordinance Art. 53, the Office of Public Health publishes lists of those authorized to handle controlled substances.

To make it easier for you to control authorizations to request or prescribe medications for substitution therapy, please have your name placed on a distribution list (email to: [email protected] ). You will then be notified each time there are changes in the authorization process.