Vocational baccalaureate school

The vocational baccalaureate school offers all persons with a completed vocational training the opportunity to obtain a vocational baccalaureate. 

Courses begin annually and last four semesters in part-time day or evening classes or two semesters in full-time classes.

Students deepen the knowledge and skills they have gained in vocational training in a focus area of their choice and aligned with their interests and career goals.

The program includes the following concentrations:

  • Technology, architecture, chemistry, life sciences
  • Business and Services
  • Design and Arts
  • Health and Social Services

The Liechtenstein vocational baccalaureate entitles the holder to study at all universities in Liechtenstein and Austria as well as at all universities of applied sciences in Switzerland. 

Further information and registration via the homepage of the Liechtenstein Vocational Baccalaureate School:

Vocational baccalaureate school Liechtenstein

Curriculum of the Liechtenstein vocational baccalaureate school

