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Editions - Newsletter School Today

Current issue

Edition No. 5, 2023
Mental health in schools
In Liechtenstein Education, the next thematic focus is on mental health in schools. How does it remain? What ways and means are there to get help quickly in emergency situations? 

Edition No. 4, 2023
Education and Sustainability
Climate change, wars, and crises, whether in business, politics, or society, are shaping current perceptions of our world. What can education do to counteract these serious grievances? 

Edition No. 3, 2023
Inclusion - One school for all
Inclusive education is a human right. To live up to this claim, the education system must adapt to the needs of all people. And not the other way around. Barrier-free school buildings are already standard. Now it is also necessary to overcome mental barriers in order to make the supposedly impossible possible. Schools in Liechtenstein are on the way to

Edition No. 2, 2023
Artificial Intelligence in Schools
ChatGPT writes texts, the program summarizes texts, and it answers questions from users with ever-increasing precision. What is the real impact of technology on teaching and learners? In the worst case, do students unlearn how to learn?

Edition No. 1, 2023
Collecting and comparing performance
This issue focuses on the topic of "performance surveys in schools", especially since "checks" will be officially introduced in public schools in Liechtenstein in May 2023. What is the importance of performance surveys in an education system? Which performance surveys existed in the past? 

Do you have other topic suggestions or other comments? Drop a note to the editor ([email protected]).

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