Tenders / Offers

"Open Calls"

Are you interested in the current calls for project funding for your cooperation with cultural institutions in Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia or the Czech Republic? These are advertised publicly and for a limited period of time via the so-called "open calls" You can find the open calls here.
Note: Filter by country possible. The open calls for all EEA Grants areas will be displayed.

The "IBK-Kleinprojektefonds" promotes encounters and exchanges across borders in the Lake Constance region. You can find more information here.

Tenders / Funding & Tenders Opportunities Portal

Tenders are published in the  "Funding & Tenders Opportunities Portal" of the European Commission: please see here (Filter option. At "Programme / Programme Group" you have to select "Creative Europe Programme (CREA)"). Prerequisite to participate in a project proposal is the registration of your organization in the Funding & Tenders Opportunities portal and the nomination of a "LEAR". Please refer to the EACEA (European Education and Culture Executive Agency) website for the manual and the necessary steps.

Information on Online Info Sessions - organized by EACEA - can be found here (using keywords "Creative Europe" filter option).

Culture Moves Europe

Culture Moves Europe is the new, large-scale mobility program funded by the European Union's "Creative Europe" program and implemented by the Goethe-Institut. The program consists of two lines of action: "Individual Mobilities" for individuals and groups of up to five people, and residencies for host organizations.

The third rolling call for individual mobility is open from August 1 to November 30, 2024.

A total of three calls for residency hosts was issued, each targeting all participating sectors. 

Further information can be found at www.goethe.de/culturemoveseurope.
Link to the application portal of the Goethe-Institut.

Creative Europe MEDIA

Infobrochure GET TRAINED. MEDIA funded training courses 2023-2024 at a glance.

Information on training and mentoring courses which are currently receiving support from Creative Europe MEDIA can be found on this site: creative-europe-media.eu 

Next call

The next call, for studio residencies in 2026, is expected to be launched in spring 2025.

"Schönste Bücher aus Liechtenstein"

The next call for entries for the competition “Schönste Bücher aus Liechtenstein 2024” is expected to be launched in December 2024.

Information service (external tenders / offers / surveys)

Offers / Trainings

Erich Pommer Institut (EPI)

  • The Art of Negotiating Agreements for Film and TV
    Good agreements are essential for the success of any production. This workshop aims at enabling film and TV producers to handle an agreement like a good script: with passion and a deep understanding of its structures and mechanisms. More detailed information: link
    Deadline: 12.11.2024
  • Sustainable Workplaces
    With the long working hours and high pressure environment, the audiovisual industry can be tough on mental health and is susceptible to power abuse. The seminar invites professionals to learn more about how to build safe and fair work environments and workers’ rights. More detailed information: link
    Deadline: 14.11.2024
  • European Co-Production - Legal and Financial Aspects
    The workshop offers exclusive insights into the making of several recent European co-productions as well as a comprehensive overview of the legal and financial elements of co-productions. Inside reports, hands-on tips and interactive learning will support participating professionals in handling the changing complexities of European co-productions successfully. More detailed information: link
    Deadline: 03.12.2024



Persons interested in participating in external surveys (e.g., research projects) are welcome to contact the Division Cultural Activities.