Living space school


Center for School Media

The Center for School Media (ZfS) manages the Didactic Media Office as well as the Official Publisher of Teaching Materials and coordinates continuing education for teachers in the Principality of Liechtenstein.
It serves as a contact point for consultations in the area of media pedagogy and didactics. In addition, the ZfS sees itself as a link between the schools and the Office for Information Technology, so that the digital end devices can be used in the best possible way in the classroom.

Contact information

Pflugstrasse 28
FL-9490 Vaduz

The Didactic Media Center is the educational documentation and media center of the Principality of Liechtenstein. It supplies Liechtenstein schools, kindergartens and other educational institutions with selected audiovisual and interactive educational media, teaching materials and practical school literature, as well as various devices for educational use. In addition, it offers corresponding consultations.

The tasks in detail

  • Maintaining and lending an extensive and current range of media with appropriate accompanying material;
  • Maintenance, care, updating and supplementation of the media stock;
  • media pedagogical and didactical advice and training of teachers;
  • Promotion of information technology education and understanding of the new information and communication technologies and guidance on their meaningful use;
  • media technical advice, especially in the acquisition and handling of various devices;
  • Lending of equipment.

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday from 14.00 to 17.30


The Official Teaching Materials Publisher is responsible for the procurement and distribution of all teaching materials used in Liechtenstein schools. The prescribed and approved teaching materials are determined by the education authority. In addition, the Teaching Materials Publishing House distributes individual country-specific teaching materials and manages projects for their development and production.

Order form for teaching materials from the Principality of Liechtenstein

Contact information

Kathrin Schreiber

Pflugstrasse 30
FL-9490 Vaduz

[email protected]

+423 236 6390

The "Center for School Media" has the main responsibility for the continuing education program for teachers (WFL). Over 120 courses are offered in a wide variety of subject areas. As a supplement to the registration page a two-page leporello is also published.


The School IT Coordinator (SIK) serves as the coordination and interface between the schools, the School Office, and the Office of Information Technology. The tasks of the School IT Coordinator include the management of communication platforms, software evaluation and the introduction or operation of digital media at the schools. The Office of Information Technology is responsible for the technical operation of the digital end devices at the schools.


The pedagogical media mentor (PMM) plays a supporting role for the education authority, the schools and the IT department. The tasks of the PMM include the pedagogical support of teachers at schools, the supervision and further training of pedagogical media coordinators, the implementation of media didactic projects, acting as a course instructor, participation in the DMS and the evaluation and approval of software and apps. The PMM is also active in the management of and participation in various working groups and networks.

