Quick navigation
Main navigation
Private individuals
Pregnancy & Birth
Registration health insurance
Maternity protection
Registration health insurance
Duty to notify and right to notify
Civil right of the child
Parental care
Origin of the child relationship
Available documents
Family name of the child
After birth
Family allowances
Registration of children of Liechtenstein parents
First names of the child
Maternity allowance
Children and teenagers
Child and youth protection
Child welfare endangerment
Children's rights
Adoption and foster children
Foster family
Adoption of a child
Childcare financing
Approval of child care
Family support
Health insurance
Family allowances
Family, Marriage & Partnership
Adoption and foster children
Foster family
Adoption of a child
Marriage and cohabitation
Marriage / Wedding / Marriage ceremony
Required documents
Available documents
After marriage
Name management after marriage
Wedding ceremony
Admission of the request for promulgation
Requirements marriage
Legal matrimonial property regime
Free wedding ceremony dates
Registered partnership
Help for families
Advice and assistance
Divorce and annulment
Separation / Divorce
Name change after a divorce
Recognition (civil status events)
Separation of parents
Separation with child
Acknowledgement of paternity
Child support
Financial aids
Rent contributions
Amount of rental contributions
Living space standard
Recognition (civil status events)
School and study
Admission kindergarten
Transfer / school careers
Educational opportunities after compulsory education
Pupil transport
Procedure for change of residence
Career Preparation
School sports Liechtenstein
Attending a private school or foreign school
Interlocking 2.0
Education / Types of schools
Structure of the education system
Elementary school
High school
High school
Vocational baccalaureate school
Voluntary 10th school year
Liechtenstein Sports School
Timeout school FL
Day schools
Special education day school Schaan
Music school
Art school
Vocational schools
Higher Education
Private schools / Foreign schools
Intensive Course German as a Second Language (IK DaZ)
School support measures
Gifted and Talented
Special education
Supplemental Instruction
German as a second language
Intensive German as a Second Language Course
Special promotion
Speech therapy
Early remedial education
Measures for sensory impairments
School Social Work
Timeout school
School family counseling
School Psychology Service
External use of school facilities
Kindergarten, elementary school, lower secondary school
Liechtenstein High School
Liechtenstein Vocational Baccalaureate School
Voluntary 10th school year
Denominational religious education
School administrators
Vocational training
Academy for Trainers IBK
Vocational training with vocational certificate BA
In-house courses
Expert individual accompaniment FiB
next-step - Web platform
Vocational training with diploma FZ
In-house courses
next-step - Web platform
Vocational qualification for adults
Work Guidance for young people
Vocational School Agreement
Professional baccalaureate
What does the Berufsmittelschule (BMS) offer?
Requirements and ways
BIZ app
Apprenticeship vacancies
Golden book
Coordination office for young top athletes
Career guidance for adults
Study Guidance
Higher vocational education
Internships abroad
Mobility projects
go to Europe
Topics and projects
School Performance Surveys
STEM Promotion
Health Promotion
Language and reading promotion
angek(l)ickt - Media Prevention Performance
Liechtenstein Languages
Religious Education
School ICT
Energy and climate pioneers
Offene Stellen
Premium reduction in health insurance
Profession & Workplace
Job loss and search
Unemployment compensation
Financial aids
Premium reduction in health insurance
Insolvency compensation
PDU forms
Labor market service
Rights and duties
Occupational safety
Rights and obligations of employers and employees
Equal pay
Commercial register
Public limited company
Special legal forms
Sole proprietorship
European Company
European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG)
Cooperative society
Limited liability company
General partnership (Open partnership)
Limited partnership
Registered trust enterprise
Trust relationship
Legal name and name clarifications
Company index / Excerpt from the Commercial Register
Deposit with the Commercial Register
Other public documents/deeds
Trust / Settlement
Preliminary procedures
Residence in Liechtenstein without gainful employment
Allocation residence permit (B)
Draw residence permit (B)
Short-term residence permit for study / training (L)
Tourists / service recipients (L)
Approval procedure
Residence in Liechtenstein for gainful employment
Allocation residence permit (B)
Draw residence permit (B)
Replacement employment residence permit (B)
Short stay permit (L)
Au Pair (L)
Approval procedure
Duties of the employer
Cross-border commuters from Austria
Insolvency compensation
Accident insurance
Insured persons
Accident reports
Accident insurer
Dangerous Goods Officer
Innkeeper exam
Public Labour Law
Collective labor agreements declared generally binding
Mass layoffs
Direct taxes natural persons
eTax / electronic tax return
download eTax
download eTax previous years
Real estate gains tax
Wage/withholding tax
eWage statement / eWage lists
Official salary statement form
Additional form for A border crossers
Questions and answers
Value added tax
Who is liable to pay tax?
Tax rates
Building & Living
Building permit - eBuilding application
Building project
Natural hazard process
Building in danger zones
Earthquake-resistant building
Building law
Construction waste
Official estimates
Construction lien
Building application environmental protection
Site coordination
My object a cultural asset?
Energy / Energy Office
Energy promotion
Questions and answers
Thermal insulation
Redevelopment consulting
Building services
Photovoltaic systems
Heat pump boiler
CHP plants
Thermal solar collectors
Other measures
Other plants/ large plants
Demonstration objects
Community Promotion
Action Plan Energy 2022
Thermography funding program
Trade, service and industry: energy efficiency consulting
Heating checkup
Energy register
Energy bundle.li
"Energy City Country" Liechtenstein
Building envelope
Building services
Energy reference area
Thermal bridges
Equal opportunities
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Migration and integration
Integration strategy 2021
Equality between women and men
Reconciliation of family and employment
Project promotion and financial aid
Events and projects Equal opportunities
Equal Opportunity Award
Project examples
Prizes for family-friendly companies
National Future Day 2021
Politics course
Publication and equal opportunities
Land and property
Official estimates
Construction lien
Establishment of condominium ownership
Building law
Land register excerpts
Real estate liens
Advance inheritance
Parcel divisions and associations
Pre-emption, purchase and repurchase rights
Official cadastral survey (AV)
Tracking/ Mutations
Data output
Geodata portal
Legal basis and topics
Technical documents and instructions PLR-cadastre
Land transfer
Prerequisite for the granting of authorisation
Domestic housing need
Need for recreation
Management of an agricultural business
Social housing
Land reserved for agricultural use
Exchange with equivalent property
Acquisition of relatives
Acquisition as part of an estate
Acquisition by way of compulsory auction
Permit traffic facilities
Permit street advertising
Approval of road signalization/traffic regulations
Permit for excavation work in the public road space
Waste disposal
Municipal waste
Liechtenstein Waste Planning 2070
Mobility, Travel & Abroad
Stay abroad
Information for travelers/assistance abroad
Helpline FDFA
Consular Services
Registration of Travels Abroad
Travel vaccinations
Travel medicine
Driving license
My way to the driver's license
e-driving license
Chauffeur Licensing Ordinance (CZV)
Computerized theory test (CUT)
Digital tachograph
Driving Instructor
Driver's license in credit card format
Life-saving immediate measures (emergency helper card)
Learning aids for the theory exam
Medical checkup
International driver's license
Learner's permit
Practical driving test
Theory exam
Transcription of foreign driving license
Loss driver's license
Online scheduling
Online counter admission
Vehicle deregistration
Vehicle testing / technology
Periodic vehicle inspection
Loss vehicle registration card
Vehicle registration
Replacement vehicle registration card
Direct imports
Control plates
License plate order
Sign loss
Allocation / Reservation / Auction
Allocation / Reservation / Auction
Collector plates / souvenir plates
Sign types and formats
Sign theft
Desired numbers
Driver with disability
Parking tickets
Driving vehicles
Tax exemption
Special permit
Exceptional vehicles / transports
Sunday and night driving permit
Immaterialgüterrecht (Markeneintragung, Urheberrecht)
International and Europe-wide registration
Application and registration in the national register
Renewal of a Liechtenstein trademark registration
Forfeiture and nullity proceedings
Patent law
Copyright and related rights
Collecting societies
Information on the licensed collecting societies in Liechtenstein
Online Trademark and Design Register
Application forms
Administrative measures (ADMAS)
Traffic rule violation
Speeding violations
Driving while unfit to drive (FinifaZ)
Appeal procedure against administrative measures
Driver's license revocation procedure after an offense
Security measure Withdrawal of driver's license for an indefinite period of time
Electronic communication
Mobile communications
Mobile phone loss
Roaming in the EEA
Radio frequencies and installations
Amateur radio
Amateur radio register Liechtenstein
Tourism and accommodation
Border crossing and movement of goods
Health, Prevention & Care
Electronic health dossier
Legal basis
Data protection notice
Contact point
Questions and answers
Persons under 14 years
eHealth Strategy
Treatment and care
Approved drugs
Medical Devices / In Vitro Diagnostics
Safety information / recalls
Contract hospitals and licensees
Patient mobility in the EU/EEA area
Treatment in EU/EEA foreign countries
Treatment in EU/EEA foreign countries
Further information
Health and prevention
Health Report
Workplace health promotion (BGF/BGM)
Preventive medical checkup
Questions and answers
Documents & Information
Child and adolescent dental care
Travel vaccinations
Travel medicine
Sexual health
Heat and health
Stand up - small effort, big effect
Physical activity behavior of school children
All the same?
Eating disorder - Association eat-team
Dietary Behavior in Switzerland
Health promotion in communities
"Everything Wurscht"
Children feet
Knowledge platform prevention.ch
Argumentarium "Promoting Health and Preventing Disease
Projects - sponsored by the Office of Health
Requirement criteria
WALK`N` BIKE TO SCHOOL - On foot or by bike to school
International Lake Constance Conference IBK
Invitation: e.talk; IBK Prize - 2022
IBK Competition 2019
IBK Competition 2016
IBK Competition 2013
Narcotic assisted treatment
Addiction Prevention
Diseases and risks
Infectious diseases
Infectious diseases: Protection
Infectious diseases: Fact sheets
Infectious diseases: More information
Infectious diseases in people seeking protection
COVID-19 vaccinations
Situation Report COVID-19
Rules of conduct and hygiene
COVID certificate
Travel information
Post-COVID-19: Further information
Post-COVID-19: FAQs
Post-COVID-19: Consultation hours of the Liechtenstein National Hospital (LLS)
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Mpox (monkeypox)
Mpox : Transmission of the Disease
Mpox: Symptoms and Progression of Disease
Mpox: Procedure for suspected cases and in case of illness
Mpox: Prevention and Treatment
Mpox: Registration for Vaccination
Mpox: Further Information
Annual Report Cancer Registry
Health insurance
Health care insurance obligation
Health insurance companies
Medical services
Means and objects
Analysis list
Choice of service providers
Contract hospitals and licensees
Quality monitoring
Cost monitoring
Copy of the medical bill
Accident insurance
Insured persons
Accident reports
Accident insurer
Premium reduction in health insurance
Mental health
Identity & Law
Digital identity
Theft / loss of a travel document
Travel document was lost
Travel document was stolen
Price and validity
Children, minors and people under guardianship
Passport data
Data protection and security measures
Exhibition process
Application abroad
Exhibition process
Application form
Price and validity
Identity card
Exhibition process
Price and validity
Children, minors and people under guardianship
Application abroad
Application form
Price and validity
Exhibition process
Swiss identity card
Migration and integration
Residence permit
Residence in Liechtenstein without gainful employment
Residence in Liechtenstein for gainful employment
Family reunion
For relatives of an EEA and CH national - family reunification
For third-country nationals - family reunification
Residence permit for life partner
Application procedure
Extension of stay
Retention of the authorization
Permanent residence and establishment
Re-issuance of permanent residence and settlement permit
Residence cards
Children of Liechtenstein mothers (StGH 1996/36
Children of Liechtenstein fathers born out of wedlock
As a result of longer-term residence
As a result of registered partnership
As a result of statelessness
Ordinary procedure (voting)
As a result of marriage
Residence in Liechtenstein for gainful employment
Residence in Liechtenstein without gainful employment
Family reunion
For relatives of an EEA and CH national - family reunification
For third-country nationals - family reunification
Residence permit for life partner
Application procedure
Tourists / service recipients (L)
Short-term residence permit for study / training (L)
Refugee concept and asylum law
Responsibilities in the area of asylum
Asylum procedure
Dublin procedure
Accommodation and care
Benefits under the Asylum Act
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
Equal opportunities
Migration and integration
Commitment & Culture
Clubs and events
Seniors' Association
Event permit
Women and politics
Elections and votes
Voting results
Absentee ballot
The "Double Yes
The referendum
The popular initiative
Registration and preliminary examination
Signature collection
Treatment in the state parliament
Election results
State election 2021
State election 2017
Municipal elections
Election and voting dates
Children and youth work
How is child and youth work promoted?
Youth Leadership Vacation
What does youth work offer?
Fancy Europe?
Equal opportunities
Events and projects Equal opportunities
Equal Opportunity Award
Women and politics
Publications Equal opportunities
Contact and advice centers
Natural history exhibitions at the National Museum
Natural History Collection
Recreation, Environment & Animal Husbandry
Waste disposal
Municipal waste
Liechtenstein Waste Planning 2070
Biological safety
Energy use
Hunting and wildlife
Hunting maps
Hunting planning and wildlife protection
Hunting education, becoming a hunter
Hunting weapons
Game population survey
Fawn rescue
Documents consultation forest and game
Video surveillance of wildlife
Biodiversity in agriculture
Operational controls
Soil protection
Agriculture Environmental Protection
Agricultural organizations
Para-agriculture / agriculture-related activities
Plant protection
State forestry enterprise
Noise, sound, laser, radiation
Sound and laser
Forest, nature, landscape, climate
Mountain area rehabilitation (BGS)
Natural history exhibitions at the National Museum
Natural History Collection
Protected areas and objects
Hiking trails
Forest and wood
Permits and decrees
Wood as a building material and energy source
Nature conservation in the forest
Forestry professions
Forest strategy
Climate protection
Water / aquatic ecology
Waste water
Construction site wastewater
Waters as habitat
Tank systems
Drinking water production
Animal husbandry
Pets and wildlife
Farm animals and horses
Registration of animals and animal husbandry
Keeping of animals subject to authorization
Proper handling of animals, animal welfare
Animal welfare notification to the ALKVW
Travel with pets
Animal transport
Import and export of animals
Carcass disposal
Animal Welfare representative
Food and consumer protection
Collecting mushrooms, mushroom control, mushroom conservation areas
Utility articles
Labeling and information
Food Safety
Youth and sport
1418 Coach
Documents for trained 1418 Coach
School sports
Sports offer
Hall for All
Condition for ALL
Youth Sports Camp
Other sports opportunities
Special Olympic
Condition for ALL
Sports facilities and state gymnasium
Youth Leadership Vacation
Sports events
Premiums and awards
Rental material
Environmental impact
Contaminated sites
Light pollution
Air pollution control
Construction sites
Firing control
Action plan
Air quality
Emergency & Disaster
Social and financial assistance
Liechtenstein Social Encyclopedia
School Education Scholarships / Loans
Social Counseling
Economic social assistance
Psychiatric-psychological help
Addiction counseling
Disasters and emergency
Warning and alerting
Fire department
Fire departments
Rescue Organizations
Management Staffs
National economic supply
Natural hazards
Hazard map
Protective structures
Emergency plan
Avalanche Service
Current closures
Support for victims of crime (victim assistance)
Why victim assistance?
Who is entitled?
Forms of victim assistance
Financial benefits
Assistance with crimes abroad
Domestic violence
Sexual harassment
Emergency abroad
Helpline FDFA
Consular Services
Registration of Travels Abroad
Contact point for self-help groups
Self-help groups Liechtenstein
Al-Anon Family Group
Parents with AD(H)S children
Families of children with disabilities
Parkinson's disease
Grief after suicide
Self-help groups in the Rhine Valley
Alcoholics Anonymous
Brain injuries
Multiple sclerosis
Kidney disease
Foster parents
Psychological violence
Anonymous players
Self-help groups in development
Eating disorders - parents group
After an abortion
Death & Estate
Advance inheritance
Acquisition as part of an estate
Documents for funeral abroad
Documents for the transfer of a body from Feldkirch (A) to Liechtenstein
Available documents
Death abroad
Death in the Principality of Liechtenstein
Foundation & Leadership
Central corporate service
Founding a company in Liechtenstein
GDL provision (self-employed or with seconded employees)
GDL provision within the scope of the Trade Act
for companies from EU/EEA countries or Switzerland
for companies outside EU/EEA countries or Switzerland
GDL provision in the field of employment agency and staffing services
for companies from EU/EEA countries
for companies from Switzerland
for companies outside EU/EEA countries or Switzerland
GDL provision of architects, construction managers and engineers in the construction industry
for companies from EU/EEA countries or Switzerland
for companies outside EU/EEA countries or Switzerland
GDL provision within the scope of the Mortgage and Real Estate Lending Act
GDL provision in the peddling and itinerant trades
GDL provision in industries outside the jurisdiction of the Office of National Economy
Handover & Dissolve
Start-Up Scene
Innosuisse Start-up Coaching
Commercial register (HR)
Public limited company
Special legal forms
European Company
European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG)
Cooperative society
Limited liability company
General partnership (Open partnership)
Limited partnership
Registered trust enterprise
Trust relationship
Legal name and name clarifications
Company index / Excerpt from the Commercial Register
Deposit with the Commercial Register
Other public documents/deeds
Trust / Settlement
Public authentication
Miscellaneous / Certifications
Formation of special legal forms
Public access to the register
Shareholder rights
Requirements for the protection of shareholders
Public limited companies listed in the EEA
Institutional investors
Asset managers
Proxy advisors
Company index / Excerpt from the Commercial Register
Foreign business
Swiss company identification number (UID)
Basic information on the UID
Effects of the Swiss UID on Liechtenstein
Importers / Exporters
Companies operating in Liechtenstein
Customers of the Federal Customs Administration (FCA) within the framework of customs customer management
UID units defined in Article 3c UIDG
Implementation of the UID in Liechtenstein
Publication in the UID register
Application procedure in Liechtenstein
Recommendation of the Liechtenstein authorities
Information points and useful links
Foundation Supervisory Authority (STIFA)
Register of Beneficial Owners (VwbP)
Extracts / Certificates
Limitation of disclosure
Legal provisions
Reporting of a discrepancy
Transfer of responsibility for a legal entity
Data Protection
Human Resources
Apprentice training
Information for Vocational Trainers
Coordination office for young top athletes
Education Report
Expert individual guidance FiB
General location determination
Training Company Portal
Apprenticeship association
Apprenticeship contract
External or Industry courses
Requirements for the training of apprentices
Vignette for host company
Family allowances
Reporting obligation
Employee reports
Unemployment insurance
Workplace health promotion (BGF/BGM)
Forum BGM Eastern Switzerland
Everything in the green" campaign
BGM monitoring 2022
BGM monitoring 2019
BGM monitoring 2016/17
Taxes, duties & insurance
Direct taxes legal entities
eTax / electronic tax return
download eTax
download eTax previous years
Wage/withholding tax
eWage statement / eWage lists
Official wage statement form
Additional form for Austrian border crossers
Questions and answers
Value added tax
Public VAT register
Who is liable to pay tax?
Tax rates
Publications on VAT practice
Real estate gains tax
Double taxation agreement
International tax treaties
Information exchange
Withholding Tax Agreement (AStA)
Automatic Exchange of Information
CbC reporting
Competent Authority (CA)
Exchange of information upon request
Stamp duties (issue tax, turnover tax)
Health insurance
Health insurance companies
Accident insurance
Insured persons
Accident reports
Accident insurer
Short-time work compensation
Bad weather compensation
Employee benefits
Occupational pension scheme reportingmplate
Social security obligation
Exemption agreement for cross-border teleworking (home office)
Tourism Tourist taxes / registration
Safety & Security
Disasters and emergency
Civil Protection
Fire department
National economic supply
Disasters - Emergency Planning
Warning and alerting
Natural hazards
Hazard map
Food and consumer protection
Notifications and authorizations
Requirements and obligations / Food and utility articles
Labeling-food-and-utility articles
Food Safety
Public warnings and recalls
Tobacco and tobacco prevention
Metrology - gauges and prepackages
Occupational safety
Working in the vicinity of high-pressure lines
Working and rest times
Night work
Working time permit
Work equipment
Manipulating protective devices
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Workspaces and environmental factors
Occupational safety with a system
How should a system be built?
Pressure equipment
Legal basis
MAK values
Planning approval for commercial and industrial buildings and remodeling of workplaces/operating permit
Psychosocial risks
Monitoring of the employees
Sexual harassment at work
Stress and burnout
Rights and obligations of employers and employees
Special protection provisions
Youth employees at work
Maternity protection
Radiation protection
Construction work
Penetration resistant skylights
New ConstructionAV 2023
Site coordination
Innkeeper exam
Consumer Protection
Conciliation Board for Consumer Affairs
Rules of procedure
Contact point for consumer questions
Market monitoring
FMD (Market Surveillance and Control System)
Product area
Control system
Recalls and safety information
Funding & Promotion
Promotion of research and innovation
Innosuisse projects (CTI until the end of 2017)
EU Framework Program Horizon 2020
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
EEA Grants
Research and innovation consulting
Real estate liens
Energy / Energy Office
Energy promotion
Questions and answers
Thermal insulation
Building technology systems
Photovoltaic systems
Heat pump boiler
CHP plants
Thermal solar collectors
Other measures
Other plants/ large plants
Demonstration objects
Community support
Redevelopment consulting
Action Plan Energy 2022
Thermography funding program
Power Efficiency (Lamp Doctor & Energy Detective)
Trade, service and industry: energy efficiency consulting
Heating checkup
Energy register
Energy policy Liechtenstein
Legal basis
Energy Strategy Liechtenstein
"Energy City Country" Liechtenstein
Energy reference area
Digital check
Export check
Export support for SMEs
Innovation check
Innosuisse Start-up Coaching
Construction, Environment & Real Estate
Waste disposal
Waste Management Ordinance (ABWV)
Construction waste
Disposal facilities
Hazardous waste from trade and industry
Building application environmental protection
Biological safety
Building permit - eBuilding application
Chemicals law
Storage and handling of chemicals
Energy use
Energy / Energy Office
Energy promotion
Questions and answers
Thermal Insulation
Redevelopment consulting
Building technology systems
Photovoltaic systems
Heat pump boiler
CHP plants
Thermal solar collectors
Other measures
Other plants/ large plants
Demonstration objects
Community Promotion
Action Plan Energy 2022
Thermography funding program
Power Efficiency (Lamp Doctor & Energy Detective)
Trade, service and industry: energy efficiency consulting
Heating checkup
Energy register
Legal basis
Energy Strategy Liechtenstein
Studies in the energy sector
"Energy City Country" Liechtenstein
Building envelope
Thermal bridges
Building services
Energy reference area
Domestic hot water
Water protection
Waste water
Construction site wastewater
Tank systems
Drinking water production
Land transfer
Prerequisite for the granting of authorisation
Business premises
Management of an agricultural business
Social housing
Acquisition by a foundation, an institution or a trust enterprise
Exchange with equivalent property
Acquisition by way of compulsory auction
Biodiversity in agriculture
Operational controls
Agricultural environmental protection
Agricultural organizations
Plant protection
State forestry enterprise
Heat pumps
Nature, landscape
Mountain area rehabilitation (BGS)
Forest and wood
Permits and decrees
Wood as a building material and energy source
Nature conservation in the forest
Forestry professions
Natural hazards
Building in danger zones
Hazardous materials, incidents
Transport of dangerous goods
Accident prevention
Dangerous Goods Officer
Environmental impact
Contaminated sites
Air pollution control
Construction sites
Firing control
Gas stations
Land and property
Official estimates
Construction lien
Establishment of condominium ownership
Building law
Land register excerpts
Real estate liens
Parcel divisions and associations
Pre-emption, purchase and repurchase rights
Official cadastral survey (AV)
Agencies involved
Official cadastral surveying procedure
Tracking/ Mutations
Tracking Geometer
Layer model of the official cadastral survey
Level of detail
Legal basis/instructions
Official surveying interface
Reference frame change to LV95
Data output
Guidelines and documents Official measurement
Geodata portal
Tangible & intangible goods
Company vehicles
Online scheduling
Online counter admission
Vehicle testing / technology
Vehicle registration
Loss vehicle registration card
Replacement vehicle registration card
Direct imports
Vehicle deregistration
Control plates
Sign loss
Sign theft
Collector plates / souvenir plates
License plate order
Sign types and formats
Allocation / Reservation / Auction
Parking tickets
Special permit
Exceptional vehicles / transports
Sunday and night driving permit
Intellectual property law (trademark registration, copyright)
International and Europe-wide registration
Application and registration in the national register
Renewal of a Liechtenstein trademark registration
Forfeiture and nullity proceedings
Register a design
Patent law
Copyright and related rights
Collecting societies
Information on the licensed collecting societies in Liechtenstein
Online Trademark and Design Register
Application forms
Register & Cadastre
Gambling register
Intellectual property law (trademark registration, copyright)
Online Trademark and Design Register
Commercial register (HR)
Scope of duties
Various verifications
Company index / Excerpt from the Commercial Register
Public access to the register
Relocation of the registered office from abroad to Liechtenstein and vice versa
Preliminary procedures
Central Register of Accounts (ZKR)
Data Protection
Register of Beneficial Owners (VwbP)
Extracts / Certificates
Limitation of disclosure
Legal provisions
Reporting of a discrepancy
Transfer of responsibility for a legal entity
Data Protection
EEA Registry
Trade in goods & services
Cross-border services from abroad
Posting of employees
Provisions on working and employment conditions to be complied with
Provisions of public employment law to be complied with
Provisions of private employment law to be observed
Provisions of aveGAV to be complied with
Special provisions for personnel leasing
Reporting requirements
Documents to be submitted and other obligations to cooperate, controls and enforcement costs
Liability and obligations of the Liechtenstein client as an entrepreneur
Administrative criminal proceedings, fines, posting ban and publication
Remedies and procedures for civil enforcement for disputes arising out of the employment relationship
Contact points
List of sanctions pursuant to Art. 7 Para. 4 EntsG
GDL provision (self-employed or with seconded employees)
GDL provision within the scope of the Trade Act
for companies from EU/EEA countries or Switzerland
for companies outside EU/EEA countries or Switzerland
GDL provision in the field of employment agency and staffing services
for companies from EU/EEA countries
for companies from Switzerland
for companies outside EU/EEA countries or Switzerland
GDL provision of architects, construction managers and engineers in the construction industry
for companies from EU/EEA countries or Switzerland
for companies outside EU/EEA countries or Switzerland
GDL provision within the scope of the Mortgage and Real Estate Lending Act
GDL provision in the peddling and itinerant trades
GDL provision in industries outside the jurisdiction of the Office of National Economy
Default Interest in Payment Transactions
Export support for SMEs
Import and export of foodstuffs, utility articles and products of animal origin
Movement of Goods, Customs and Origin
Accreditation / confirmation of professional competence
Accreditation requirements
Accreditation procedure in Liechtenstein
Accredited bodies
Trade barriers / barriers to trade
CE marking
Product Info Point
Guidelines according to the New Approach concept
Technical barriers to trade
Customs and origin
Customs procedure
Useful links
Tariff differences
EEA origin products
Import Permits
Salt tax
FMD (Market Surveillance and Control System)
Product area
Control system
Swiss company identification number (UID)
Basic information on the UID
Effects of the Swiss UID on Liechtenstein
Importers / Exporters
Companies operating in Liechtenstein
Customers of the Federal Customs Administration (FCA) within the framework of customs customer management
UID units defined in Article 3c UIDG
Implementation of the UID in Liechtenstein
Publication in the UID register
Application procedure in Liechtenstein
Recommendation of the Liechtenstein authorities
Information points and useful links
Reporting obligations & authorizations
Residence, migration and integration
Residence in Liechtenstein for gainful employment
Allocation residence permit (B)
Draw residence permit (B)
Replacement employment residence permit (B)
Short stay permit (L)
Au Pair (L)
Approval procedure
Duties of the employer
Gainful employment without taking up residence
Cross-border commuter registration confirmation for EEA nationals (GMB)
Cross-border commuter permit for third-country nationals (G)
Approval in letter form (BIB)
Tourist taxes / registration
Cross-border services from abroad
Posting of employees
Provisions on working and employment conditions to be complied with
Provisions of public employment law to be complied with
Provisions of private employment law to be observed
Provisions of aveGAV to be complied with
Special provisions for personnel leasing
Reporting requirements
Documents to be submitted and other obligations to cooperate, controls and enforcement costs
Liability and obligations of the Liechtenstein client as an entrepreneur
Administrative criminal proceedings, fines, posting ban and publication
Remedies and procedures for civil enforcement for disputes arising out of the employment relationship
Contact points
List of sanctions pursuant to Art. 7 Para. 4 EntsG
GDL provision (self-employed or with seconded employees)
GDL provision within the scope of the Trade Act
for companies from EU/EEA countries or Switzerland
for companies outside EU/EEA countries or Switzerland
GDL provision in the field of employment agency and staffing services
for companies from EU/EEA countries
for companies from Switzerland
for companies outside EU/EEA countries or Switzerland
GDL provision of architects, construction managers and engineers in the construction industry
for companies from EU/EEA countries or Switzerland
for companies outside EU/EEA countries or Switzerland
GDL provision within the scope of the Mortgage and Real Estate Lending Act
GDL provision in the peddling and itinerant trades
GDL provision in industries outside the jurisdiction of the Office of National Economy
Market Surveillance
FMD (Market Surveillance and Control System)
Product area
Control system
Recalls and safety information
Economic Affairs / Trade Law
Architects, construction managers and engineering professions in the construction industry (BWBG)
New granting of a license for a profession according to the Construction Professions Act
Managing director new appointment
Additional profession for an existing permit
Reprinting of a permit under the Construction Professions Act
Cancellation of a permit under the Construction Professions Act
Commission for architects and other qualified professions in the building industry
Construction Occupation Registry
Interpreter Permits
Innkeeper exam
Trade practice with branch office
Freight and passenger transport
Transport regulations goods and passenger transport
Third-country freight transport Austria
General regulations in passenger transport
ITF and CEMT regulations Freight transport
Bilateral agreements
Rental vehicles freight transport
The transport sector in the EEA / EU
Transport operator permit
Company formation/deletion - appointment of a new responsible person
Requirements for the activity of road transport company
Professional qualification
EURO license goods and passenger transport / driver's certificate
Transport technical examination
Dangerous goods officer - Examination
Peddling Permits
Credit intermediary - Mortgage and Real Estate Credit Act
International trade legitimation card
Package tour
Private employment agencies/staffing agencies (AVG)
Reciprocal agreement Switzerland - Liechtenstein
Suitability test
Authorization for cross-border provision of services
Sunday and holiday rest/shop closing time
Permission to keep open stores
Transfer & dissolution of a company
Foundation Supervisory Authority (STIFA)
Register of Beneficial Owners (VwbP)
Legal provisions
Transfer of responsibility for a legal entity
Data Protection
Industries, Professions & Associations
Health professions / remedies
Dental Hygienist
Occupational Therapist
Laboratory medical diagnostician
Speech therapist
Medical masseur
Nursing specialist
Doctors societies
Health professions societies
Pharmaceuticals department
Drug Monitoring
Production and wholesale
Approved drugs
Distribution channels
Storage and control
Medical Devices / In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices
Market access
Free Sale Certificates (FSC)
Clinical trials
Report Incidents & FSCA (Vigilance)
Safety information / recalls
Market Surveillance
Maintenance / Preparation
Standards and common specifications
Foreign inspections
Blood and blood products
Tissues and cells
Radiation protection
Medical X-ray systems
Research companies and training centers
Education and training in radiation protection
Forms for applications and notifications
Potassium iodide tablets
Patient protection equipment
Electronic health dossier
eHealth Strategy
Legal basis
Contact point
Access to eGD for health care providers
Veterinarians and other animal health professionals
Reporting incidents with dogs
Animal husbandry and care
Activities requiring a permit for animals
Keeping of animals subject to authorization
Registration of animals and animal husbandry
Farm animals and horses
Animal welfare
Animal health and diseases
Animal transport
Animal welfare notification to the ALKVW
Emergency slaughter
Carcass disposal
Animal Welfare Officer
Collective labor agreements declared generally binding
Associations and contacts
National Administration
Office for Foreign Affairs
Information for travellers abroad
Foreign policy priorities
Bilateral relations
Multilateral cooperation
Council of Europe
Reform of the UN Security Council
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Climate policy
European policy
Relations with UK
Foreign Economic Policy
EFTA Convention
International Affairs Humanitarian Cooperation and Development
Emergency and reconstruction aid
International refugee and migration assistance
Bilateral development cooperation
Multilateral development cooperation
Human rights and international humanitarian law
Women, peace and security
Children's rights
Combating torture and the death penalty
Strengthening international human rights structures
International Criminal Court (ICC)
NGO Dialogue
Security and crime prevention
Fighting corruption
Crime and terrorism
Disarmament and security
International sanctions
Diplomatic Representation of Liechtenstein abroad
Diplomatic and consular representations in Liechtenstein
Reports and publications
Human rights in general
Women's rights
Children's rights
Combating torture
Combating racism and protecting minorities
Fight against corruption
Combating trafficking in human beings
Environment and sustainability
Liechtenstein foreign policy
Human rights in Liechtenstein
Older publications
Working in the diplomatic service
Working for a UN organization
European area
Internships with EFTA institutions
Other International Organizations
Data protection notice
Office for Vocational Training and Career Counseling
Contact form
Work, study and career guidance
Career Information Centre (BIZ)
Vocational training
Mobility projects
Services, downloads, information
Career guidance for adolescents
Professional qualification for adults
Vacant apprenticeship positions
Career guidance for adults
Apprenticeship company platform
Apprenticeship contract
next-step online platform
Study programme guidance
Annual report
Downloads vocational training
Legal acts
Privacy notice
Office for Civil Protection
Things to know
Civil Protection
Fire department
Natural hazard
Data protection notice
Office of Finance
Contact us
Things to know
Bank Details
Questions about Invoices and Payments
Corporate Governance and Investment Controlling
Political Party Contributions
Alimony Payment
National Account
National Budget
Financial Planning
National Assets
Financial Equalization
Sovereign Rating
Data protection notice
Office of Public Health
Our tasks
Useful links
Data protection notice
Office of Building Construction and Spatial Planning
Building law and fire protection
Building permit - eBuilding application
Building permits and advice on building law
External specialized agencies
Fire protection - approval and enforcement
Fire protection - quality assurance
Malbun snowmaking protocols
Spatial planning
State Planning
Agglomeration Werdenberg-Liechtenstein
State Guidance Plan
Overall revision of the state guidance plan
Room concept
Design Commission
Local planning
Municipal Master Plan
Building regulations and zoning plan
Development and design plan
Development concept for the Liechtenstein lowlands and Schaan (EKU)
Building land reallocation
Cross-border spatial planning
Basics and data
Traffic planning
Public transport
Pedestrian and bicycle traffic
Motorized private transport (MIV)
Cross-border transport planning
Mobility management
Basics and data
Housing subsidy
Obstacle free construction
Eligible persons
Eligible homes
Subsequent conversions
Civil Aviation
Data protection notice
Office of Information Technology
About us
Things to know
ZPR Commission
Public appearances
E-Government - Services
eDelivery (ePostPlus)
Open Data Portal
Data protection
Privacy policy eVertrettung
Office of Justice
AJU Newsletter
AJU Newsletter Archive
Land register (GB)
Field of activity
Notarization and public certification
Entries in the Land Register
Questions and answers
Land register adjustment
Background information
Land transfer supervision
Commercial Register (HR)
Scope of duties
Miscellaneous official affairs
Judicial Affairs (JUS)
Registration in the list of mediators
Exercise of the freedom to provide services
Download area lists and forms
Victim counselling center (OHS)
Legal Unit (SSR)
Foundation Supervision and Anti-Money Laundering (STIFA/GWP)
Foundation Supervisory Authority (STIFA)
Register of Beneficial Owners (VwbP)
Extracts / Certificates
Limitation of disclosure
Legal provisions
Reporting of a discrepancy
Transfer of responsibility for a legal entity
Central Register of Accounts (ZKR)
Data Protection
Data protection information
Office for Communications
Data protection notice
Audiovisual media
Legal basis
Notification obligation, notification and notification register pursuant to Media Act
Electronic communication
General terms and conditions and rate provisions
Legal basis
Broadband / FTTH fibre optic expansion
Why is fibre optic expansion so important?
Building connection
Building cabling
Useful links
Network test
Market analyses and special regulation
Current status
Centralised broadband access for the mass market
Access to the local loop
Call termination in fixed networks
Call setup in fixed networks
Access to leased lines
Call termination in mobile networks
Access to the telephone network
Broadband access for wholesale customers (ESA2008 - M5) 2009-2024
Physical access to network infrastructure (ESA2008-M4) 2009-2023
Physical access to infrastructure in the core network (M core network) 2013-2023
Access to the public telephone network at fixed locations (ESA2008 - M2) 2010-2021
Call termination in mobile networks (ESA2008-M7) 2011-2020
Call termination in fixed networks (ESA2008-M3) 2010-2020
Access to the public telephone network at fixed locations
Market analysis planning 2019+
Market statistics
Notification obligation, notification and notification register
Mobile communications
Regulatory authorities
Mobile phone loss
Frequency allocation
Mobile communications studies / workshops
Roaming in the EEA
Mobile transmitters
Non-ionising radiation
Useful links
General information about Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein numbering plan (ITU-T E.164)
Test numbers
Arbitration body pursuant to Art. 4 para. 1 lit. a ADR Act
Rules of procedure
Incident reporting pursuant to Art. 17 Communications Act
Radio frequencies and installations
Legal basis
Radio frequencies
National Frequency Allocation Plan
Equipment and installations
Mobile repeater (signal amplifier)
Radio services
Amateur radio
Amateur radio register Liechtenstein
Land mobile service (Private Mobile Radio)
Satellite News Gathering (SNG)
Media Commission Secretariat
Postal and parcel delivery services
Postal services
Parcel delivery services
Notification obligation, notification and notification register pursuant to Art. 5 Postal Services and Parcel Delivery Services Act
Universal service
Arbitration body
Legal basis
Signature and trust services
Legal basis
Signature and certificate verification
Information for trust service providers
Non-qualified trust service providers
Qualified trust service providers
Trust service providers (TSPs)
Trusted List
Space activities
Notification obligation
Legal basis
Further information
16/09/2024: Decision on the prohibition of activity of iMetrik Global (Europe) AG
28/05/2024: Centralised broadband access for the mass market
15/02/2024: Decree revoking the allocation of rights of use to means of identification (addresses)
24/10/2023: Access to the local loop
27/02/2023: Decree on provisional allocation of frequencies concerning the 3ECOM-1 and 3ECOM-3 filings of the Principality of Liechtenstein with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and approval of the frequency usage agreement between Rivada AG and Rivada Space Networks GmbH
27/02/2023: Decree revoking provisional frequency allocation to Trion Space AG
07/12/2022: Frequency allocations
28/10/2022: Access to the telephone network
20/05/2022: Approval of a frequency usage agreement
04/10/2021: Call origination in fixed networks
04/03/2021: Decree on the amendment of the provisional frequency allocation Decree
04/11/2020: Call termination in mobile networks
04/11/2020: Call termination in fixed networks
02/08/2018: Decision on the introduction of number portability
08/01/2018: Provisional frequency allocation
Decisions of the Supreme Courts
Current consultations
Completed consultations
Update of the RIO template
Market Analysis of Wholesale central access for the mass-market products
Market analysis of the local loop market
Market analysis access to the telephone network
Market analysis fixed network origination
Market share statistics
RIO template
Market analyses of mobile termination and fixed network termination
Fixed network charges (M1) of Telecom Liechtenstein AG
Universal fixed network telephone service
Baseline and planning for the 2019+ market analysis
Wholesale offer "Access to the public telephone network via VoIP" of Telecom Liechtenstein AG
Number portability round table on 29 November 2017
Cost calculation model of Telecom Liechtenstein AG
Consultation on lifting the obligation to operate public pay telephones (Publifone)
Public consultation of the wholesale offer "Bit-Stream-3" of Telecom Liechtenstein AG
Public consultation on the wholesale offer VoIP Whitelabel FL of Telecom Liechtenstein AG
Public consultation on the draft Decree concerning access to the HFC network of Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke
Statements on reference offers (TAL, KOL) & rates
Reference offer core network
LKW cost calculation model
Statements on the reference offer for physical network access (M4)
Draft Decree on reference offer Collocation
Draft Decree on LKW rates
Draft Decree on reference offer ULL
Reference offer for physical network access (M4) – ULL (copper)
Reference offer for physical network access (M4) – Collocation
Reference offer for physical network access (M4) – CATV
Wholesale offer for CPS (M1)
Reference offers origination and termination (M2/M3)
CPS/CS obligation for Connecta
Reference offer for broadband access (M5)
Reference unbundling offer (RUO)
Reference offer for access via VoIP
Public consultation on allocation of mobile communications frequencies
27/05/2021: Extra charge for paper invoices – update
14/05/2020: Allocation of mobile communications frequencies
04/07/2019: Extra charge for paper invoices
Data collection
Useful information
Annual report
Internal competences
Legal acts
Office of Cultural Affairs
Historic preservation
Service for your construction project
My building project
Register of Cultural Property
Cultural Property Protection
Legal bases and conventions
Europe Days of the Monument
Building history documentation
Cultural property online
Finds and research reports
Link collection
Treasure chest
Cultural activities
Tenders / Offers
EEA Grants (area culture)
"Goldener Spatz"
Internationale Bodensee-Konferenz (IBK)
"Jugend und Musik" (J+M)
"Kreatives Europa (Creative Europe)
"Künstleratelier Balzers" (Turmhaus - Tower House)
Stays / Impressions
"Künstleratelier" Berlin / Rome
"Künstleratelier" Berlin - Stays / Impressions
"Künstleratelier" Rome - Stays / Impressions
"Künstleratelier" Berlin - Video
"Schönste Bücher aus Liechtenstein"
National Archives
Support for Users
Services for Public Authorities
Guided Tours
LiVE - Records Management Liechtenstein
Goals of LiVE
Digital administration needs digital records
Central Services
Data protection notice
Food Control and Veterinary Office
Things to know
Legal basis
Publications / Events
Events / Lectures
Fact Sheets Food and Consumer Protection
Data protection notice
Office of Human Resources and Organization
Things to know
Our tasks
About LLV
Data protection notice
Office of Social Services
Children and teenagers
Child and youth welfare
Acknowledgement of paternity
Child support
Advice and assistance
Child welfare endangerment
Foster family
Separation of parents
Child and youth protection
Children and youth work
How is child and youth work promoted?
Youth Leaders