Mobility projects

Projects: MOJA / go to Europe

The Office for Vocational Training and Career Counseling supports young professionals, apprentices/learners and apprenticeship/training companies in gaining international work experience with an internship abroad either during or after training.

Six good reasons for an internship abroad

Stays abroad...

  • bring new know-how and impetus to companies;
  • promote learners/apprentices and young professionals in their professional and personal development;
  • foster enthusiasm and identification with the chosen profession and company;
  • help to establish and strengthen international contacts;
  • do not incur extra costs for the company and
  • show job applicants that the company is an attractive training facility and employer.

Mobility consulting services

The mobility consulting team of the Office for Vocational Training and Career Counseling helps with...

  • preparing and planning a stay abroad;
  • searching for an internship in another European country;
  • using funding and fulfilling formal requirements;
  • coordinating the stay between the company, the learner/apprentice and the vocational school.

Financial support is provided by the Erasmus+ funding programme. Arranging an internship place suitable for the profession is included. Accommodation can be organised upon request.

More information about the programmes and how to apply can be found at: