The most common questions about our work and how to deal with archaeology in your own environment are answered here. If your question is not included, write to us at [email protected].

Whenever possible, a find should remain in place unless there is risk of destruction or loss. Report the find and the location to us and we will arrange for documentation and recovery. Movable archaeologicalfinds are the country's property. This ensures that Liechtenstein's cultural heritage is available to all. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: +423 236 75 31 or [email protected].

Being located within the archaeological perimeter means that there is a high probability of encountering archaeological findings here. Ideally, the Office of Culture / Archaeology ideally develops strategies for further action in advance. Therefore, an early consultation allows for optimal planning for all sides.

Yes. Archaeological objects may also be discovered outside the Archaeological Perimeter. The areas within the perimeter merely indicate a higher probability of discovery.

The legal basis of archaeology is laid down in the Property Law of 1922 and in the Cultural Property Law of 2016.

No. Searching for archaeological finds and sites with technical aids is not allowed. In certain exceptional cases, permission may be granted by the Office of Culture.

The Liechtenstein National Administration offers the possibility of internships. The application period runs from January 15 to February 28 of the respective year. The online form "Registration Ferialjobs" is only up during this period. If interested, students majoring in archaeology, history, conservation, or anthropology may submit a letter of application to [email protected]