Elementary school

Primary school comprises five grades and is at the beginning of compulsory education. It is the common place of upbringing and education for all children and can be attended free of charge. Children who have reached the age of six by the end of June of the current year are admitted to elementary school.
Detailed information on the transition from kindergarten to elementary school can be found in the brochure "Transition kindergarten - school, information for parents".

The task of elementary school is to familiarize students with elementary knowledge as well as elementary skills. It serves their social, emotional and physical development. Elementary school teachers teach students the basics for secondary schools.

The following subjects are taught at the elementary school: Mathematics, German, English, Realien, Bildnerisches Gestalten, Music, Physical Education, Textile and Technical Design, Religion.
For more information, see the Curriculum for the Principality of Liechtenstein.

All children advance to the next higher school level at the end of a school year. Pupils who wish to repeat a school grade voluntarily are exempt. Repeating 5th grade requires permission from the school administration, which is granted only in exceptional cases.
Additional information on school transfers can be found in the leaflets "The Transfer Procedure" and "The Secondary Schools".

Learners with school difficulties are supported within the framework of special school measuresor of reinforced special educational measures (special education).

In addition to the public elementary school, Liechtenstein is also home to a private school run by the Liechtensteinische Waldorfschule association and a bilingual elementary school (formatio Bilinguale Privatschule), for which parents have to pay a school fee.

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