Residence permit draw (B)

Half of the residence permits to be issued in the Principality of Liechtenstein are drawn by lot. A total of 28 residence permits for gainfully employed EEA citizens and 8 residence permits for EEA citizens who are not gainfully employed are drawn annually.

The draw is held twice a year, in spring and fall respectively.

A draw procedure is divided into a preliminary and a final draw.

The participation requirements pursuant to Art. 37 and Art. 38 PFZG include:

  • EEA nationality (Swiss nationals and nationals of the United Kingdom cannot participate in the draw)

  • Submission of fully completed application forms by the deadline

  • No multiple applications

  • Timely payment of fees

If an applicant is drawn in the preliminary lottery and provides the relevant additional documents, e.g. passport copy, proof of financial means, etc., upon request, he/she will take part in the final lottery after checking the general requirements and the reasons for exclusion in accordance with Art. 38 PFZG.

Non-working persons are admitted to the final draw if they meet the requirements of Art. 22 para. 1.

Reasons for exclusion from the final draw:

  • False declarations;

  • Existence of an entry ban;

  • Threat to public safety, public order and public health;

Swiss nationals cannot take part in the draw.

A fee of CHF 100 is payable for participation in the advance draw and a fee of CHF 500 for participation in the final draw.

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