Foundation Supervision and Anti-Money Laundering (STIFA/GWP)

The Foundation Supervision and Anti-Money Laundering Division has the following main responsibilities: 

  • Supervision of common-benefit foundations as well as private-benefit foundations that have voluntarily submitted to supervision
  • Maintenance of the electronic Register of Beneficial Owners (VwbP)
  • Administrative maintenance of the electronic Central Register of Accounts (ZKR)

With regard to the supervision of foundations, the Foundation Supervision and Anti-Money Laundering Division acts as the Foundation Supervisory Authority (STIFA) pursuant to Art. 552 para 29 PGR. STIFA ensures that the foundation assets are managed and used in accordance with their purposes. If necessary, STIFA applies to the court for appropriate measures. STIFA is also entitled to verify the accuracy of the notifications of formation and amendments of foundations not entered in the Commercial Register.

In addition, the Foundation Supervision and Anti-Money Laundering Division is responsible for maintaining the electronic Register of Beneficial Owners (VwbP). This register is kept for the purpose of preventing money laundering, predicate offences to money laundering, and terrorist financing. It contains data on the beneficial owners of legal entities.

Furthermore, the Foundation Supervision and Anti-Money Laundering Division is responsible for the administrative maintenance of the electronic Central Register of Accounts (ZKR). As part of the fight against money laundering, organized crime and terrorist financing, this register serves to identify all natural and legal persons who hold or control a payment or bank account or safe deposit box with a Liechtenstein bank or investment firm.

In addition, the Division is responsible for implementing international and European requirements in the field of money laundering prevention within the Office of Justice.