Draft Decree on LKW rates

Public consultation on the draft Decree approving rates for all regulated products of LKW

Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke (LKW) have submitted the price list Services for Carriers, which includes all rates for regulated products, to the Office for Communications (AK) for approval based on the corresponding obligation arising from the Decree regarding "Measures of special regulation on the wholesale market for physical access to network infrastructures" of 16 December 2009 (M4).

The Office for Communications is conducting a consultation on the draft approval Decree and offers interested parties concerned the opportunity to comment on it:

Draft Decree LKW rates

Pursuant to Art. 46 of the Communications Act, interested parties concerned have the opportunity to submit comments as part of the consultation process. Should you be interested in doing so, we look forward to receiving your statement.

We request that you submit your statement in writing with reference to the specific consultation (draft Decree rates) to

Amt für Kommunikation
z.Hd. Markus Skarohlid
Gerberweg 5
9490 Vaduz

or send a scanned version by e-mail to [email protected].

Both the reference offers and the prices are to be applied as of 1 January 2015. Due to the resulting time pressure and the fact that the reference offers have already been consulted on and the statements have been largely taken into account after the revision, the final date for receipt of any statements will be

10 December 2014.
