Food and food handling

Foods are goods for eating or drinking, which belong to the needs of daily life. They can be composed of various ingredients and additives and contain important nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals, but sometimes also undesirable substances

Food of plant origin is understood to include oilseeds; vegetable oils and fats; spreads; ice cream; fruits, vegetables, edible mushrooms; confectionery; cereals, legumes, milled products and pasta; bakery products; types of sugar; table salt, spices, vinegar, mayonnaises, salad and protein products.

Food of plant origin is regulated by the Verordnung des EDI über Lebensmittel pflanzlicher Herkunft, Pilze und Speisesalz.

Meat and products derived therefrom; gelatin and collagen; highly processed products of animal origin; fishery products; snails and frogs' legs; edible oils and fats of animal origin; milk and milk products; colostrum; eggs and egg products; honey, royal jelly, and pollen of flowers are food of animal origin.

The relevant regulations can be found in the Verordnung des EDI über Lebensmittel tierischer Herkunft.

Drinking water is the most strictly monitored food. The Food and Veterinary Office is responsible for monitoring water suppliers.

Liechtenstein is in the fortunate position of having sufficient water of excellent quality. On the one hand, spring water is available, which in most cases is gently treated by UV sterilization before it enters the network. On the other hand, untreated groundwater is also used as drinking water. Thus, the Liechtenstein population can be supplied with sufficient drinking water of impeccable quality at any time.

The  exact details of the Liechtenstein water supplies on water quality and interesting background information on the individual parameters can be accessed online, by searching using the interactive map.

For consumer information, the Office of Food Inspection and Veterinary Affairs publishes a report every three years on the quality of water intended for human consumption. The report comments on the quality of drinking water in Liechtenstein, divided into the supply areas Wasserversorgung Liechtensteiner Unterland and Gruppenwasserversorgung Liechtensteiner Oberland. This is done in accordance with Article 21(4) of the Trinkwasserverordnung and Article 13(2) of EU Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption.

Nutritional supplements are intended to supplement the normal diet: with vitamins, minerals or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect. They are marketed in concentrated form and in measured small quantities. BLV nutritional supplements

Because the products are not intended for the prevention, nor the treatment, of any human disease, no claims of cure may be made.

Eating mushrooms are the edible fruiting bodies of the higher species of mushrooms that are edible, palatable and suitable for use as food. 

The mushrooms which are consumed by oneself (personal use) do not fall under the food legislation. When consuming such mushrooms, therefore, the personal responsibility comes exclusively to bear.

Therefore, it is important that only controlled mushrooms are processed and consumed.

Bachflowers products can be marketed in two ways: as food or as medicine. If the products are marketed as food, medicinal claims and health claims are prohibited. FSVO-Bachblüten-Produkte

Food handling

Following are some tips for handling food.

Many pathogens transmissible to humans through food or drinking water are zoonoses, i.e. transmissible between animals and humans. 

Disease-causing bacteria
Viruses in food

Consumers are responsible for ensuring that food produced correctly remains safe until it is enjoyed. It is important that they store and prepare food properly.

The occasional (occasional, not regular) distribution of food on a small scale at bazaars, school festivals and the like is exempt from the obligation to notify the Food and Veterinary Office. However, if food is regularly handled or if food is regularly distributed to third parties, this activity must be reported. In addition, the relevant requirements and obligations must be complied with.  Notifications and permits     Duties in handling food and commodities

Independent of the notification oligation, persons/operations handling food must comply with the requirements of food legislation.

Regarding the exercise of a trade, respectively for the issuance of a possible trade license and the examination of professional requirements, reference is made to the Office of Economic Affairs.

The production of food for distribution to consumers on private premises is not prohibited as a matter of principle.

Merkblatt Kanton ZH - Produktion LM in eigenen Räumen

However, the same legal requirements for hygiene apply to production as in food establishments. The ALKVW can also carry out food inspections in private kitchens.

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