Veterinarians and other animal health professionals

Veterinarians and other animal health professionals

The Tiergesundheitsberufegesetz (TGBG) contains the specific provisions for practicing the profession of veterinarian, animal healer, animal physiotherapist and animal homeopath. 

This legislation also constitutes the Liechtenstein implementation of Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 07 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications (OJ NR. L 255, 30.09.2005, p. 22).


The independent practice of the profession as a veterinarian requires a permit from the Food and Veterinary Office.
The applicant applies for the granting of the professional practice permit in writing, enclosing:

a)  citizenship by means of a copy of the passport;
b)  professional suitability by means of proof of education according to Annex V, point 5.4.2 of Directive 2005/36/EC;
c)  good reputation by means of an extract from the criminal record;
d)  Fulfillment of health requirements by means of medical certificate;
e)  Conclusion of professional liability insurance by means certificate of insurance (insurance coverage min. 3 million CHF or CHF 5 million for specialist veterinarians);
f)   sufficient knowledge of German;
g)  suitable premises and facilities by means of plan copies and land register excerpt or rental agreement (if applicable, naming of employer).

Veterinarians who are nationals of a contracting party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) or Swiss nationals, and who are legally established in their home country for the independent practice of the veterinary profession, are permitted to temporarily and occasionally practice their profession across borders in Liechtenstein.

The first-time provision of a veterinary service in Liechtenstein must be notified in advance in writing to the Food and  Veterinary Office. In urgent cases, this notification may be made immediately after the service has been provided.
The notification must be renewed once a year if the service provider intends to provide services in Liechtenstein temporarily or occasionally during the year in question.

When notifying the provision of services for the first time, or in the case of significant changes compared to the situation certified in the previously submitted documents, the service provider shall submit:

a)  Authorization to practice as a veterinarian in the country of origin,
   original or copy;
b)  Confirmation of the issuing authority according to Annex V,
    Clause 5.4.2 of Directive 2005/36/EC, that the authorization to
    practice of the profession is not prohibited, even temporarily;
c)  Certified proof of education, original or copy;
d)  citizenship by means of passport or copy of passport;
e)  Proof of insurance coverage against liability claims
    (liability insurance).

The self-employed veterinarians listed in the Veterinary List are authorized to operate a private pharmacy and thus to purchase veterinary drugs and to engage in retail trade in them.

Animal Health Professions

The practice of the profession as an animal healer, animal physiotherapist or animal homeopath requires a permit from the Food and Veterinary Office.

The applicant or the applicant applies for the granting of the professional license in writing, enclosing

a) Nationality by means of passport copy
b) Professional suitability by means of proof of training
c) Good reputation by means of criminal records
d) Fulfillment of health requirements by means of a medical certificate
e) Conclusion of a professional liability insurance by means of an insurance certificate (insurance coverage min. 3 Mio. CHF)
f) Sufficient knowledge of German

In order to prove professional suitability, the applicant


a) have a high quality professional education recognized by the Food and Veterinary Office (recognition of education of other animal health professions); and 
(b) pass an examination conducted by the Food and Veterinary Office or recognized as equivalent in the areas of animal disease diagnostics and animal disease, remedy, and animal welfare legislation.


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