"Künstleratelier Balzers" (Turmhaus - Tower House)

At the beginning of August 2021, the Liechtenstein Artists' Studio was opened in the heritage building Tower House in Balzers (Mäls). This rental property is operated as a residential studio for foreign cultural and artistic professionals and is made available for use by individual grant recipients as part of the cultural promotion program to enable them to spend time in Liechtenstein. Hanga Séra, a cultural artist from Zurich, was awarded the first studio stay in the Tower House. Since then, further studio stays have followed for cultural artists from Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Ukraine, Luxembourg and Switzerland. From Mid-July 2024, the Berlin writer couple Decker will live and work in Balzers for three months. This in connection with the invitation from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Culture to Germany to send a German cultural artist to the art studio in Balzers. Dr. Kerstin Decker will work on her philosophical novel "Voltaire gegen Rousseau" and Dr. Gunnar Decker will supplement his major biography of Rainer Maria Rilke "Der ferne Magier" with another book on "Rilke in der Schweiz".

The Tower House is a heritage building and consists of a kitchen, bathroom and two rooms as well as the adjoining rooms, sitting area, cellar and attic and is fully furnished. The tower house is provided as a summer residence (each approx. Mid-April - Mid-October) and is not barrier-free.

The award is made under the auspices of the Office of Cultural Affairs by Liechtenstein authorities or cultural institutions.