Market share statistics

Email of 23 October 2020 to the providers registered in the notification register about the publication of the expanded 2019 telecommunications market statistics and about concept options drafted by the Office for Communications regarding the planned market share statistics:

"The Office for Communications presented the outline for market share statistics at the Operator Roundtable on 16 December 2019. On this basis, the Office for Communications has further developed and specified the concept. In the attachment, you can find two concepts about how and which market share statistics could be published in the future, whereby we would prefer concept A for the sake of extensive transparency. The Office for Communications would be happy to receive your comments and asks you to send them to [email protected] by 25 November 2020. For discussion and clarification of questions, please also feel free to contact me by phone at +423 236 64 86. There will also be an opportunity to address the market share statistics at the scheduled Operator Roundtable on 18 November."

Consultation documents

Concept A

Concept B 

Email dated 24 November 2020 reminding of the upcoming deadline for feedback on the consultation:



Hoi Internet AG

M-Tech AG

Qualitynet AG

Salt (Liechtenstein) AG

Supranet AG

Swisscom (Schweiz) AG

Vestra ICT AG

Voxphone AG

Telecom Liechtenstein AG

Evaluation and completion

Email of 30 November 2020 to the providers and operators found in the notification register:

"On 23 October, the Office for Communications informed you of the planned publication of market share statistics for fixed-line telephone and internet connections as well as Liechtenstein mobile connections (+423) and gave you the opportunity to comment by 25 November. The Office for Communications would like to thank you for the exclusively positive input. The majority of the feedback was in favour of concept A, in which the market shares of all providers are shown, instead of only showing the shares of the largest providers according to concept B. The market share statistics for 2016-2019 are available on the market statistics website of the Office for Communications. The next publication for 2017-2020 is scheduled for March 2021.
