Import and export of foodstuffs, utility articles and products of animal origin


To prevent the introduction of animal diseases, various conditions must be met when importing animals, animal products and foodstuffs, depending on the country of origin. In addition, imported foodstuffs and utility articles must meet the requirements of Swiss food legislation.

Importers must ensure that the following is guaranteed: 

  • Goods must meet the legal requirements     
  • Necessary licensing requirements must be complied with   
  • Provided notification obligations must be taken into account
  • Special import conditions must be complied with

Certain goods with animal content and animal products must undergo border veterinary control on the occasion of importation. (Art. 6 of the Verordnung des EDI über die Ein-, Durch- und Ausfuhr von Tieren und Tierprodukten im Verkehr mit Drittstaaten (EDAV-DS-EDI). 

All consignments subject to border veterinary controls are handled electronically in the electronic information system TRACES New Technology NT . Therefore, importers and destinations, as well as persons required to register who are involved in the import process, must register in TRACES. More Information on Third Country Imports

The competent authority for the registration of Liechtenstein participants is the Food and Veterinary Office.


When exporting foodstuffs of non-animal or animal origin and articles of daily use, the import regulations of the respective country of destination apply as a matter of principle. Export goods may deviate from Swiss food legislation - provided that the country of destination requires or permits this.

The ALKVW is responsible for issuing any certificates (health certificates and export certificates).

The export conditions for food of non-animal origin do not differ with regard to the destination (EU or third country). Export certificates or health certificates are necessary if required by the country of destination or the recipient in the country of destination.

The Food and Veterinary Office  is responsible for issuing certificates or attestations.

Whoever wants to export food of animal origin to the EU must carry a commercial document. The goods to be exported must also come from approved establishments  approved establishments

Operations exporting food of animal origin to third countries must be approved for export if required by the country of destination.

Often, the third country makes the lists of approved establishments available on the website of the competent authority. In addition, the FSVO has compiled information on country-specific health certificates 

The Food and Veterinary Office is responsible for issuing certificates or attestations.

The FSVO is responsible for issuing export certificates for foods made from parts or products of species-protected animals.  FSVO-Information

Validated Liechtenstein health certificates and additional certificates