Access to eGD for health care providers

Health care providers in Liechtenstein are required by law to upload certain health data about their patients to their electronic health records as part of their treatment.

Access to the electronic health record for health care providers can be achieved in two ways.

  1. Setting up an eGD portal account, logging in with the and uploading documents manually.
  2. Integration with the practice information system, which allows upload of  documents with little effort.

Both types of access can also be used simultaneously.

Access via eGD portal

An eGD portal account can be set up for all eGD health care providers by the Office of Health. The portal account can be used to fulfill all legally required duties concerning the eGD, thus in particular the upload of the above mentioned documents.  

Also, the health data of patients can be accessed by means of the portal account, if they have explicitly allowed access to it. 

A portal account is established by application to the Office of Public Health. 

Application Access GDL

A guide to using the portal can be found here.

Integration with the practice information system

Particularly for facilities that create a high number of documents, a connection to the practice information system can be useful. Not all practice information systems used in Liechtenstein have so far developed an interface to the eGD

If you would like to set up an interface to the eGD for your practice information system, you can contact the Office of Public Health at any time about this in order to initiate the further steps.

Email: [email protected]

Hotline eGD: +423 230 43 33

Even if there is an interface to the practice information system, it is also recommended to have a portal account (see above) created for the facility.

Integration Guide

Attached below you can find the Integration Guide.